04: Break Up.

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"What? No, Mark, we're not breaking up

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"What? No, Mark, we're not breaking up."

"No, I'm breaking up with you." he sighed and began to walk towards the door.

"No, please, Mark." the girl stood in his way as she grabbed onto his arms and kneeled, pleading.

"What are you doing, get up."

"Please don't leave me baby." tears started falling down Chaewoo's cheeks.

Mark felt bad as he watched her cry. The happy memories of the beginning of their relationship filled his mind and he almost gave in once again to give her another chance. Thankfully though he quickly shook this thought out and took her by the arms, lifting her up from the ground. Her teary eyes filled with hope that he'd take her back but that hope was quickly crushed. "Take care, Chaewoo."

She began to cry hysterically and shield the door, stopping Mark from leaving.

He sighed. "Move out of the way, Chaewoo. You won't change my mind, not this time."

"Why do you want to leave me?" Mark could barely understand her words as she mumbled in between her sobs.

"Really? You're really asking me that?!" Mark raised his voice as he couldn't handle the situation any longer. "You're manipulative, you get jealous over anything and anyone, you're controlling and we argue more than we talk! I don't even yell or argue with anyone else and look at me now!I hate this, I hate who I am when I'm with you."

Chaewoo cried harder at his harsh words. "I'll change, I promise I'll change for you." she walked over and wrapped her arms around him. She began kissing his cheeks, forehead, nose, every inch of his face.

"You're not going to change." he pushed her away but she held onto him hard, desperate to not let him go.

"Please don't leave me." she tried to kiss his lips but he turned his face the other way.

He grabbed her hands from around his neck and pushed her away gently. "I'm going." he walked towards the door as he heard her sobs from behind.

He let out a deep breath once he got out of her apartment and quickly ran down the stairs. He smiled to himself in relief when he finally reached the outside of the building.

Of course some feelings towards Chaewoo still lingered somewhere inside of him, but the unhappiness was stronger than any feelings of affection he had left for her. He felt happy that he got out of this toxic relationship and hoped for her to move on and leave him alone.

He grabbed his phone out of his pocket and dialed a number. "Hey, are you still up for that coffee?" he smiled from ear to ear.

 "Hey, are you still up for that coffee?" he smiled from ear to ear

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