10: Listen.

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Jaemin's head was pounding as Mark entered his room to tell him that breakfast was ready

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Jaemin's head was pounding as Mark entered his room to tell him that breakfast was ready. He murmured under his breath as he held his head. He sit up slowly but that didn't help for his headache - it got even worse. "Oh my god, how much did I drink?"

"Too much for your ability." Mark chuckled and left the room. "Come on, I made hungover soup."

Jaemin eventually managed to get up and sat down by the kitchen table with just his shorts on. "How can you do all of this after drinking so much?"

"You know I can handle alcohol."

"I know but how is that possible."

Mark shrugged as he put down a bowl of soup in front of Jaemin. He smiled from ear to ear and Jaemin found it suspicious. "Why are you so happy, huh?"

"I don't know." he shrugged again and suddenly wrapped his arms around his best friend, shaking him playfully. "Why, aren't you happy to see me like this?"

"Mark, please, my head." Jaemin whined.

"I told you to take it easy." Mark let go of him and went to grab himself a bowl of soup too. The two ate their breakfast in silence until Jaemin startled the other.

"Wait! Did Chaewoo show up or was that just my imagination?"

Mark chuckled. "You didn't imagine it."

"What the hell is wrong with that girl? How could she change so much since the beginning when you started dating?"

"I would like to know that too."

"Anyways," Jaemin felt like he needed to change the subject. "That Kazuha girl, she's pretty cool."

"She is, isn't she?"

Jaemin widened his eyes and pointed at Mark. "Oh! Here's that smile again as soon as I mentioned her name!"

"What are you talking about, I've been smiling even before that."

"Yeah, probably because you were thinking about her first thing in the morning." Jaemin wiggled his eyebrows and Mark raised his hand up, threatening playfully. "Why do you want to deny it so much? It's obvious she likes you too so I don't know what the problem is."

Mark looked up from his bowl. "You think so?"


Mark smiled even wider as he twirled his spoon in the soup, making circles. "I don't know."

"You should start listening to me more often. I was right about Chaewoo and I'm right about this too." he put his empty bowl into the sink and patted Mark on the shoulder. "Thanks for the food, I need to take a shower as soon as possible."

Mark's mind kept wandering around what Jaemin said. Maybe he was right, maybe he saw things as they really were from a third person's perspective. There was no more doubt in his mind that he liked Kazuha, but he didn't think it was the right time to do anything about it yet.

 There was no more doubt in his mind that he liked Kazuha, but he didn't think it was the right time to do anything about it yet

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