13: Special Spot.

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Mark widened his eyes as he looked around the pretty spot Kazuha took him to

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Mark widened his eyes as he looked around the pretty spot Kazuha took him to. It was somewhat private since it was formed in a circle, surrounded by tall trees as different flowers showed through the bushes brightened the place and a single bench gave it a romantic touch. "How did you find this place?"

Kazuha shrugged. "By mistake, actually. I once fell down my bike by the entrance."

Mark shook his head and laughed. "Do you fall off that bike often?"

Kazuha covered her mouth from laughing. "Shut up."

The boy sat on the bench next to her. "How's the bike repair, by the way?"

"I'm supposed to pick it up in few days."

"Is it going to be expensive like I thought?"

She frowned and nodded. "But oh well, what can I do?"

"Maybe I can help?"

The girl immediately waved her hands aggressively. "No, no, don't you even think about that!"

"You'd give-"

Kazuha put a finger over Mark's lips and cut him off. She laughed until she realized the move she just made was romantic in a sense. Their eyes met as she took the finger away as fast as possible and turned around when she felt her cheeks burning up in both embarrassment and excitement.

Mark smirked to himself as he also looked away. He missed that feeling, the sparks and the flirting. His eyes suddenly locked on something in one of the bushes so he got up from the bench and walked over to whatever caught his attention.

The girl noticed and glanced at him walking away. "What are you doing?" she furrowed her eyebrows.

Mark struggled to grab whatever he saw. Once he did, he hugged it gently and turned around. Kazuha gasped at the sight of a small kitten already hugging into Mark's embrace.

"Oh my gosh, what was it doing there?!" she walked over towards the boy and patted the kitten gently.

"I don't know but he, or she, looks a bit worn out. It must've been here for awhile."

"What are we going to do?"

"I think we should take it home, give it some food and wash it a little bit."

Kazuha nodded and ran over to the bench to take her bag. Within seconds the two and their new friend left their special spot.

"You're back alr- oh, hi Kazuha!" Jaemin bit his lip as soon as he noticed the girl entering their apartment. He squinted at Mark holding something gently in his arms. "What is that?"

"We found a kitten."

"Really?!" Jaemin jumped out of the chair at Kazuha's words. He ran over quickly to the two and spoke cutely to the little, grey cat.

"We have to give it some food and milk."

"We have milk but no cat food. I'll run down to the convenience store!" Jaemin jumped into his shoes and left the apartment almost instantly.

Kazuha chuckled. "He looks really excited."

"Yeah, he loves cats."

"Are you a dog or a cat person?"

"A dog person." he answered immediately as he smiled softly. "What about you?"

"Me too." she smiled at the boy as they patted the kitten.

"But a cute little one like this one makes me melt a bit."

"It's like you're reading my mind." Kazuha and Mark exchanged looks and the girl opened the fridge to grab milk. She paused as she thought for awhile.

"What's wrong?"

"Can we give it cold milk?"

"Oh," Mark thought for awhile as well, scratching his head. "Actually I don't know, maybe let's give it a normal one. There's an unopened one in the counter." he pointed at one of them and the girl looked for it right away.

She poured a small amount into a bowl and put it on the floor. Mark put the kitten in front of the bowl and gently nudged it towards the drink. The little animal took few sips without thinking twice.

"I'm back!" Jaemin rushed towards them with few choices of cat food. Mark and Kazuha looked at him questionably. "What? I like cats, I want it to have options."

"We're not keeping it, Jaemin."

"Hyung~ please let's keep it! I'll take care of it!" he whined as the other sighed in disbelief that he was about to give in to his request.

"Fine, but really, you're the one taking care of it."

Jaemin wrapped his arms around his best friend and smiled widely, making Kazuha chuckle.

Jaemin wrapped his arms around his best friend and smiled widely, making Kazuha chuckle

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the two are so cute :,)

jaemin and the kitten i'm cryinggggg

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