14: Lyrics.

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The three took care of the kitten for awhile longer - they gave it food and washed it in their bathroom sink

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The three took care of the kitten for awhile longer - they gave it food and washed it in their bathroom sink. As much as Mark and Kazuha wanted to help, Jaemin took over almost every task, which made the older think that maybe the boy will truly take care of it as he promised.

"There!" Jaemin smiled showing off the kitten after he wiped it dry. He giggled at the fur sticking out in many different directions and his face suddenly dropped. "Oh no! We don't have a little brush for her."

Mark and Kazuha chuckled at each other and he sighed. "Fine, you can go get it and we'll watch her."

Jaemin smiled and immediately ran out of the apartment, slamming the door without care.

Mark chuckled. "I had no idea he'd behave like this."

"I haven't seen him acting this cute yet, it's a crazy sight."

Mark nodded as the two giggled. He took the kitten and handed it over to to the girl. "You had no chance to hold her yet."

Kazuha squealed as she held her and patted her gently. Mark sat on the bathroom floor in front of the black haired girl and just observed her. After awhile Kazuha moved her eyes from the little animal to the boy in front of her.

"Can I ask you something?"

Mark nodded and his eyes sparkled.

"What happened between you and your ex?"

His face dropped at the mention of her.

"I'm sorry, you don't have to answer if you don't want to."

"It's ok. I'd probably tell you one day anyways so what's the difference." he chuckled. "She was way over possessive. She got jealous over anything and everything, which turned her into being aggressive, like she was towards you at the bar. The relationship turned to a toxic one after awhile."

"I'm sorry. That sounds horrible."

"Yeah, it was really tiring. That's why I'm glad it's over."

"But she's still stalking you, isn't she?"

"Yeah, I'm really sorry about that yesterday. It was so embarrassing and I wish she hadn't made you feel scared."

"Yeah, she was a little bit scary." the two chuckled. "But U was more worried about you." Kazuha looked Mark in the eyes with a soft expression.

He shook his head and smiled. "Thanks, but don't worry about me."

The girl wanted to say something but pursed her lips back together at the sound of the front door opening and Jaemin running quickly to the bathroom.

"I got it! Now you two can go do whatever you want." he sent the two teasing glances and Kazuha felt shy. Mark mouthed something threatening towards the boy but he just laughed it off as usual.

The two left the bathroom to Jaemin and his new love. "Do you still want to go out somewhere?"

"Actually I'm pretty beat after all of this."

Mark nodded. He thought that maybe she just wanted to leave and go home but his thoughts were quickly proven otherwise.

"Maybe we can order pizza and have some beers?" her cheeks were suddenly covered in blush as she used up all her courage to ask that question, not wanting to sound too pushy.

"Sure, pizza sounds great." Mark smiled and looked for his phone in his jeans. "Shit, I left my phone in my room. You can come if you want."

Kazuha nodded and followed the boy. The room
was mostly in white, neon signs brightened it and gave it interesting colors. He even had few plants and everything was spotlessly clean. "Wow, you must like to clean."

"Not the task itself but I do like things clean." he chuckled as the girl walked around the room.

The boy found his phone and opened the app for food delivery. "What type of pizza do you want?"


"I like the way you think."

Kazuha giggled as she glanced at Mark who was focused on choosing the perfect spicy pizza.

"Done. It should be here in 30 minutes."

"Oh my gosh." Kazuha gasped and Mark looked at her confused. She pointed towards something and his eyes wandered there too and chuckled.

"You play guitar?"

He got off his bed and walked to grab it. "Yeah, a little. You do too?"

"No, but I love to watch others play!"

"Do you want me to play something for you?" he sat back on his bed.

"Yeah?!" Kazuha yelled out and jumped. Mark chuckled at her cute reaction and patted the spot next to him on his bed. The girl sat down almost immediately and watched him intensely.

Mark began to play a song. Kazuha covered her cheeks as soon as she felt them burning up. Mark has become ten times more attractive in her eyes as soon as he played the first note. He played pretty melodies and suddenly caught the girl off guard.

"I'm the one that's been trying," he began to sing. Kazuha gasped in disbelief and covered her mouth, watching the boy with wide eyes.

"You left it all up to me
and I won't waste another day til you believe
that maybe I've been mistaken
and didn't you ever need
it's the truth behind the words you said to me"

Mark chuckled as he glanced at Kazuha staring at him with wide eyes and mouth agape after he had finished his little cover. "Are you alright?"

She dropped her hands and was at loss for words. "I don't.." she paused and stared at Mark with heart eyes. She suddenly couldn't hold back on her craving.

She leaned over towards Mark and pressed her lips against his. He furrowed his eyebrows once their lips touched, but melted into the pleasure right away. His hands placed on her cheeks and kissed her again, passionately. Their tongues moved together as the kiss became more intense. They leaned their foreheads against each others as soon as they got a little bit out of breath.

Kazuha moved her face away to look the boy in the eyes. She glanced at his lips when a smile formed on his pretty face. Her pearly whites came out as well as the two giggled. She suddenly turned away, getting shy and Mark admired her cuteness.

 She suddenly turned away, getting shy and Mark admired her cuteness

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