✦ 20 | A quiet night

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The winter air is crisp as you breath in. The stars twinkle brightly above you as you slow down your pace. Leaving Harry behind was difficult. None of you wanted to but you do feel exhausted after all the events today. Will you even be able to sleep? So deep in thought you startle when someone calls out your name. 

You turn around to see Ron. Exhaustion completely written all over his freckled face when he tirelessly makes a smile when he sees you. "How are you holding up?" Ron whispers. His fingertips gingerly tuck a few stray hairs behind your ear. You feel Ron's eyes linger on a few of your scars against your face before meeting your eyes. 

Reaching up, you rest your hand over the back of Ron's that now strokes your cheek. You voice your honest thoughts to Ron with furrowed brows. "I'm terrified Ron." Your words weigh heavy on your shoulders. Outstretching his left hand, Ron pulls you close. The two of you embrace one another as you hide your face in his chest.

Ron's voice is but a low whisper when he speaks. "So am I." You tighten your hold on Ron as he does the same. The familiar scent of warm brown sugar, sweet cream, pinch of sea salt and melted butter that you've grown accustomed to eases your anxiety slightly. Ron hides his face on the side of your head. 

His breath tickles your ear as Ron presses several kisses on you. "I was afraid to lose you today Y/N. Leaving you behind with Harry took great confidence out of me." Ron pauses before speaking further. "Thank you for not doing anything reckless. You're so prone to toss yourself in the middle of fire." 

A weak snicker leaves your lips as it muffles into Ron's chest. "I was too paralyzed to do anything." You croak out as you clutch tightly onto the back of Ron's cloak. The boy shakes his head as you both raise your eyes to look at one another. Ron softly kisses you before the corner of his lips tug into a small smile. 

"You did your very best Y/N. Don't sell yourself short. The good thing is you and Harry are both alive." There's a shine in Ron's eyes that makes your heart waver. His words are kind and loving. You give Ron a tight squeeze before hiding your glossed over eyes into his chest. 

"You're amazing too Ron. You managed to protect so many students and even Draco." Your voice is muffled as you recall the conversations discussed when everyone huddled in the hospital wing as Harry gets looked over. Draco overheard about the attack but didn't know when it will happen to alert anyone. He tried to look for Harry and amongst his search he had encountered Ron and his father. 

If it weren't for Ron, Draco could've been added to the list of names of students who didn't survive. Ron dryly chuckles under his breath. "Who knew we would be working with Draco. Maybe I really shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. Mom will have my head once she finds out about the chaos that happened during the ride to Hogwarts."

"I think many parents and guardians will be upset. Especially the ones who will receive news of their child being deceased. An uproar will ensue." You tremble just at the sheer panic this will create. Tomorrow will definitely not be a normal day at Hogwarts. Word of Harry being alive is silenced to avoid Voldemort from returning sooner than later. The next few days will be in preparation of the war at Hogwarts. 

Dumbledore has already evacuated majority of the students underground within Hogwarts. The ones that want to fight will be learning several spells from the professors. Letters will be sent out to parents to inform them of the news. The only quiet Hogwarts will have is at night like tonight. Ron slowly pulls away to stroke your hair. 

"We should get to bed. There's a lot to prepare for tomorrow. This isn't exactly how I imagined us returning to Hogwarts as a couple, but I'm sure after all this we can try to finish off our last year like normal seventh years." Ron forms a smile and you return him with one of your own. You lace your fingers with his and give Ron a gentle tug.

"We can at least scratch one thing off your list." You whisper as you lead Ron forward down the corridors. "What's that?" Ron whispers curiously. The two of you enter the castle and begin to climb up the staircases in one of the towers. 

You turn around to look at Ron with a smile. "Walking your girlfriend to her dorm room." Ron's eyes glisten as he chuckles sweetly with cheeks tinging a soft shade of pink. The boy gives your intertwined hands a gentle squeeze as he now takes the lead. "It's a small detail but it makes me happy you remembered Y/N." Ron shyly whispers. 

The walk up the tower is a comfortable silence. It's as though the world is only revolving around you and Ron for tonight. Despite the chaotic start of the day, the end of the night is peaceful and romantic. Your eyes drop to look at your hand in Ron's. A smile tugs on your lips as you feel his warmth radiate against your palm. 

You then look up to see Ron's broad back. The boy before you means the whole world to you. If anything is to happen to him in this war, you're unsure how you'll manage. You barely held it together when Harry died before you. Ridding these sad thoughts, you focus on the moment you currently are in. 

Ron slows down to a stop when he stands in front of the Ravenclaw door that leads to the common room. There's a look of sadness painting on Ron's face when he has to say goodbye. You're sad too. Tonight of all nights you wished to be at the Burrow in Ron's arms in his bed. But this is where you two have to depart until the morning. 

Outstretching your right hand, you gingerly stroke Ron's cheek. This catches his attention as you take in every detail of Ron's face. His eyes, nose, freckles, and lips. You love every inch of him. "Thank you for escorting me tonight Ron." You murmur in a soft tone with a tiny smile.

Ron crinkles his nose adorably and smiles. "Of course. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I let you walk alone back to your dorm room?" Ron pinches the bridge of your nose as you giggle and feel your heart skip. Cupping Ron's jaw, you pull him down slightly so your lips capture his. 

You hear Ron's breath hitch as he slowly melts into your kiss. You kiss Ron greedily for a few more seconds before pulling away to look into his blue eyes. "Get back to your dorm safely. I'll see you in the morning love." You stroke Ron's cheek once more before dropping your hand to your side. 

Hearing you call him love easily makes the boys eyes widen and his jaw drop slightly. You giggle when you watch Ron's pale face change into a red scarlet. Ron stammers out something inaudible. He then covers his face with his palms to squeal into them. You giggle by his dramatic reaction.

"My fucking heart feels like it's about to explode!" Ron whisper yells as he lowers his hands to clasp against his chest. "To be called love...who knew it would make me feel this joyful." Ron gasps as his eyes brighten when he looks at you. Your giggles evolve into warmhearted laughter. The sweet sound of your laughter and now Ron echoes throughout the tower. 

You gently shove Ron forward so he's not caught wandering around the castle this late. There's still a curfew to obey. "Idiot, hurry back. Before Filch finds you." You calm your laughter to usher Ron away. Ron grumbles from the mention of Filch. He quickly kisses you on the lips before waving goodbye.

"I'll fetch you in the morning Y/N. Don't dare go to the dining hall by yourself. We'll go together, promise?" Ron sticks his pinky out. Your eyes lower to his offered pinky before lacing yours around his. The two of you smile at one another before Ron quickly rushes down the spiraling staircase. You only turn in for the night when you no longer see the redheaded blur disappear. 

Now that you're alone, reality returns and your anxiety welcomes itself. You try to not think for long as you answer a riddle to enter into the common room.

𝓂𝑜𝓇𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓃 𝓂𝑒𝑒𝓉𝓈 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝑒𝓎𝑒 | Ron Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now