stage of depression

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Apollo's pov

I lay on the sofa, watching rom coms and eating ice-cream. It's the only way I'm able to deal with the fact that my career is finished and I'm out of the job. How am I going to pay rent now?

"Stupid wright. This is all his fault" I grumbled as I continued to eat my feelings.

Just then my phone rang. I considered ignoring it but then I saw the name clay being displayed. I can't ignore him.

"Hello" I picked up the phone.

"Hey buddy. Just saw the trial and thought I should give you a call before you finish your fifth ice-cream" I looked at my ice-cream bucket guiltily. He knows me so well!

"I'm fine clay really. Just dealing with the fact that my career just crashed and burned" I said bitterly.

"Don't be so dramatic" he said sternly "I saw the trial pollo and you're an awesome attorney. So get your butt out there and get some clients"

"It's not that simple clay" I pinched the bridge of my nose. I already feel a migraine coming on "I can't work at Gavin's law offices anymore and what kind of nut job's gonna hire someone who got their boss arrested"

"Correction what kind of nut job wouldn't hire a kickass attorney like you" he said reassuringly "what about that wright guy. He seemed to take a liking to you"

"He lied to me. I can't work for a guy like that" I shook my head. I may be desperate but I'm not that desperate!

"Then get back at him" he pressed on "make him hire you and have him pay you the big bucks"

"You're right" I stood up and put my red jacket on "I'm going to march over there and demand he give me a job"

"Adda boy" clay cheered.

"Thanks clay" I said gratefully.

"Anytime bud. Give them hell" I hung up and was about to march out the door when my phone rang again.


"Uh hi is this Apollo justice" the voice of a young woman came from the other end.

"Yes can I help you?" I asked.

"You may know my daddy phoenix wright" I froze "could you please come to the hospital. He's been in a terrible accident"

This Is Fine! (Klapollo M-preg)Where stories live. Discover now