growing pains

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Klaviars pov

I brought out a wet tea towel and brought it to my bedroom where my partner Apollo was laying on our bed, groaning in pain.

I beat down and placed it on his forehead "does that feel better Schatz?" I ran my hand through his soft hair.

"Yeah thank you" he gave me a pained smile "these growing pains are killing me" he let out a pained gasp, clutching his stomach.

"Are you ok herr forehead? Is the baby ok? Should I call an ambulance!" I was frantic at the sight of his pain.

"I'm fine klav geez" he shot me an annoyed look "just get me a hot water bottle"

"Right of course. Right away mein lieber" I left, feeling embarrassed. I grabbed a hot water bottle, filled it with hot water and placed it on his swollen stomach.

"Thanks klavier" he sighed in relief "god that feels so much better"

"mein wunderschöner starker Partner" I kissed his forehead tenderly "I'm amazed by you everyday"

"You flatterer" he chuckled softly.

"It's true" I stroked his hair lovingly "you're a incredibly strong person. I could see that even before the pregnancy. I found it so attractive" I kissed his hand.

"Don't tell yourself short klav. You're a pretty good catch yourself" he winked at me.

"wunderschön Junge" I smiled as I leaned in for a kiss. He quickly reciprocated it, his pain seemingly melting away for a moment.

I wish I could take away his pain for good but I keep telling myself it's nessasary for the baby's growth. I just hope it fades away soon.

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