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The whole evening Khushi waited for her Arnavji with her pooja thali and Rakhi, to her disappointment Anjali told her he won’t be able to come back home, he is staying at office, attending conference call with client from America. She looked sadly at her  Rakhi saying.

“I never had anyone to tie Rakhi to..”She looked.

Shyam looked at the pitiful girl, extended his hand towards her with smile.

“Why worry when I am here.”He said.

Anjali also smiled at them.

Khushi tied her Rakhi on his wrist with face full of joy.

“I even brought you a gift.” He said that and gave her a gift.

“Really? For me?” She also jumped in happiness.

“Open it.”

She got a beautiful RED color saree with gold embroidered border.

She almost got tears in her eyes.

“Hey, Khushi are you crying already? You have do this every year. Don’t try to escape.” He tease her slightly and made her smile.

Suddenly thought of Arnavji came to her mind.

“What will he eating? Will he skip his lunch?” She wondered loudly.

“Don’t worry, he got his wife to look after him.” She told her.

“Wife?” She asked.

“Who else but Aman Mathur?” Shyam chuckled at his wife’s words.

“Just he spent two days with us and he went back to office that also for entire night. Let him home and I take care of him.” Anjali really upset with him. Not knowing because of her plan only, he stayed away from home.


Here Arnav looked at dating advice on social media and taking notes.

He didn’t have any experience with romance, he never had any relationship with any girl, he don’t trust them, Khushi.. This girl dadi’s upbringing.. He like her.. Too much for his own good.

In these two days, he realised he often zone out, thinking that girl, her beauty, her smile, her face, her mannerisms, her etiquette.. Her care for everyone. She is everyone’s favourite, how can such a girl be bad?

She wanted to show her good intentions towards by giving Rakhi? To hell with that.

Soon she will getting bad intentions about him.. Soon..

He look at the advice of giving the girl he likes flower.

He smiled knowing her favourite flower, rose..

He saw she grumbling at sight of his garden which is now hers, she conquer his garden, his poolside even his heart…

She got pink, red, yellow rose but couldn’t get hold of white rose to her disappointment.

He got jealous of his damned flower because she smiled at them.

He order white rose planting from his friend.

“You will soon, fall for me Khushi. Just like I have fallen for you.”


Next day,

He came back with the planing and he was surprised by Anjali who is blocking his way, snatched his pot. He forgot something important,his Di also loves flowers.

“Jeejaji uses flowers to cool down her anger. I also avoid her Rakhi.. She must have been angry at me. ” He thought in defeat

“So you brought this to pacify me?” She smiled seeing beautiful white roses.

He couldn’t say anything, he can’t say it’s for Khushi..

“Ok.. I won’t be angry. Come in have breakfast with us.” She drag him with her.

His sighed, his own sister is harming her only brother’s love life.


He steals glance at Khushi who is serving in silence.

“What the.. Why is quiet today?” He thought, her silence is bothering him, he want hear her chirping like a bird like she always does.

“Is it because of me? Yesterday I didn’t mean it that way..” He cursed at himself, he likes her voice, they way she talks so cheerful is addictive.

After breakfast..

He found her by poolside, looking at the planting he gave to Anjali.. She smiled at those flower.

His efforts at least made her smile. He felt suddenly his mood lighten up.

“Khushi..” He called her.

“Ji?” She was really surprised to see him.

His felt his heart beats faster..

“Will you out with me on date?” He asked nervously.

“Where?” She looked a bit confused, date?

“Wherever you want to go.” He proposed.

She has huge smile on her smile.

“Really Arnavji.. Let’s go now…” She dragged him out to his own surprise, now?

Where is she bringing him? Wherever she wants he is willing to walk with her.. HE chuckled seeing her hold his arms.


He never have thought this girl actually would bring him here for their first date.

He planned his first date to have candlelight dinner with a romantic violin music playing in the background. But this place...

Marketplace.. Full of noises..

“I was really worried going market alone without Hp, luckily you helped me Arnavji.” She beamed at him.

He is a HP’s replacement, he clenched his jaw. He can’t refuse her, can he? He looked her beautiful profile.

He just nodded silently.

He looked at her picking tomatoes, she is haggling with vendors. Arguing with vendors about rising prices. Gossiping with those unknown aunties, He stood there holding a bag full of vegetables.

With her by his side, his day will be always be exciting.. If his Di know he accompanied Khushi to Market she will faint on the spot. Mighty ASR at local market?

He laughed at himself, but loving every single moment with her.

And lastly she brought dates fruits for him.

“You asked for it na? Is it enough?” She asked him, he swallowed hard, what is he going to do with this girl? She will the reason of his death for sure.

She always took him by surprise, he can never predict her.

To be continued…

ARSHI: Unfortunated LOVE (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now