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"I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even more." -Angelita Lim

He looked for her in the entire house, finally saw her taking blessing from Nani in her room with Anjali tagging along.

"Bless you bitiya, may you live a long life and get marry soon."

He saw her wearing red saree with loose hair, taking away his breath. His favourite colour on his favourite person.

Khushi looked so happy hearing her blessings.

Anjali hugged her saying, "Happy birthday Khushi."

"Shyam Ji got court hearing today, he will be back with gift. Let's celebrate your birthday together." Anjali told her.

Khushi shook her head sadly and said.

"This is the day I was abandoned by my mother, it doesn't worth celebrating. Thank god Dadiji saved me. What if my mother had sold me somewhere for money?" Arnav froze hearing about her past.

"Don't say it like that bitiya.." Nani felt bad for her.

She looked at Khushi, such great girl. If only her chote was good marriage candidate. She would definitely get him marry to Khushi and keep this amazing girl as her family BAHU. Her chote who don't like the word marriage is such a disappointment. What a lost..

"Your blessings is all I need Naniji." Khushi told her honestly.

Nani patted Khushi's head fondly.

"Whoever get to marry you will be happiest man in his life bitiya." Arnav suddenly feel proud hearing that from his Nani.

"I will marry whoever Dadiji choose to.. I trust her decision." She said firmly..


Khushi made a call to her Dadiji, took her blessings via call.

"Khushi, I told about my friend vimla right, she looking a girl for her nephew Vihaan. I will send his photo soon. Tell me your decision after seeing photo, OK?" Dadi said.

"Ok Dadiji.." She whispered, barely speaking. Why she is feeling sad? Isn't it she who just now told Naniji she will marry whoever Dadiji choose for her?

She closes her eyes, somehow his face comes to her mind? Why?

She clutched her chest and look in the mirror.

"Hey devi maiyaa, what I should name this feeling? Dadiji saved me, brought me up even her old age she still took care of me.. I can't possibly refuse her.. Please take away this feeling away.."

Her phone buzzed. A text message for her laad governor. Hers?


She came to terrace door, he is here.

He closed her eyes with his hands and brought her in and released her.

She saw terrace decorated with flowers.

She looked at golgappa serving on the table, he have prepared for her. Her mouth starts watering.

"It's better option than cake right? My dear foodie.. Happy birthday. " He whispered into her ear making her shiver.

He pulled chair out for like a gentleman he is and made her sit. He also took a seat, saw her eating happily.

Her red saree made him imagine so many things he wants to do with her. His eyes darken in desire.

"Thank you so much Arnavji." She talked with mouth of pani puri, gulped her food and smiled at cheerfully.

His words got stuck in his throat, there is so many things he wants to tell her how she is should be aware his feelings, the difference between man and woman but when she smiles like that none of it matters at all.

"She is so dense.." He thought.

When she finally finished her food, he gave her gift.

"No need for gift Arnavji, you've got me an expensive mobile.."

"I won't take no as your answer. Take it or throw it away, by all means it's yours." His overbearing nature will never change.

She took it from him and opened it. Payal?

"May I?" He asked, she automatically hummed.

He bend down on his knees, touched her feet which made her gasped. He smirked in return.

He made her wore it and let her feet go. He turned and whispered to her.

"Are you feeling something Khushi?"

She looked at Arnav in confusion.

He chuckled seeing her cluelessly eyes.

"Khushi I need to tell you something.. Really important.. Can I?"

She just nodded.

"Khushi I lo.." Lightning strikes, creating a loud sound. She hugged him in fear, eh? its was cloudless just now.. He continues..

"Khushi I..." Rain started pouring on them, totally spoiling his whole plan of confession, even the weather gets in his way.

"Why can't I do what I want smoothly." He feel irritated.

They went back inside.

He grabs her hand, not letting her escape.

"Are you sure you don't feel anything unusual Khushi?"

She look at him in disbelief written all over her face, how did this laad governor know?

"Let's do this way, if I make you realise what kind of feelings they are without telling you. I win, if I don't I lose. If I lose I will do anything you say so but if I win.." He said.

She continues staring at him in interestedly.

"If I win you need to change your surname." He said with smirked, from just Khushi to Khushi Arnav Singh Raizada. In simple word he just proposed to her indirectly.

"Ji? I don't understand.. Is there any problem with my current name?" She asked him cluelessly.

He felt helpless towards her dense thinking.

"You will understand soon." He said with confidence.

To be continued.

ARSHI: Unfortunated LOVE (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now