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“I’ve been in love with you since the very beginning. You asked why there isn’t anyone else in my life, and the reason … is you.” ― Julie James

Finally they reached back to Delhi by night time, he saw Khushi was fast asleep, he picked her up and stepped into Shantivan, suddenly remembered his unique family tradition of groom picking up his bride before entering the house.

He smiled and walk to his room with Khushi in his arms, settled her down on the left side of his bed, he kissed her forehead.

“I will talk to Di and Nani tomorrow. I don’t know why but I really have bad feeling that something or someone might separate us.. Please don’t leave me Khushi.. Without you there will be no Arnav. I will die without you” He said thought looking at his wife sleeping.

He falls asleep holding her hand like a child.


Next day.

Khushi woke up and finds herself in his room, noticed he is gone without waking her up.

She pouted sadly and quickly rushed back to her room before anyone sees her staying in his room.

“Laad governor!” She humphed, she already told him, they have to hide their relationship.

He is making it obvious…


Arnav went to look for Anjali and Nani, only to find out they went to temple. Couldn’t wait any longer he went to temple to look for them.

“Chote?” Anjali and Nani said at the same time in wonder, did Sun rise for west today? Their chote at temple?

His rolled his eyes in annoyance of their so called shocking reaction. They were the reason Khushi decided to leave him..

“Nani, Di I need to tell you both about something.” He said immediately.

“What so urgent to talk about chote?” Nani asked him.

Anjali also agreed with Nani, her chote becomes weird nowadays.

“I have someone I love.” He said.

Anjali’s pooja thali fell down as he said it. She and Nani stared at him..

“Who chote?” Nani asked.

“It’s Khushi.” He confessed.

They both gasped, he wonder if is he actually adopted? Why they all over reacting?

“Chote.. Why Khushi? That girl so much younger than you. You’re not suitable for Khushi..” Anjali said.

“Do you mean not suitable? I love her Di and she also love me. I need your support, that’s all I need. “

“Chote are really telling the truth? You’re not forcing her right?” Anjali still didn’t believe him,received a glared from her brother.

“Nani, you like Khushi right? Would you hate it if she becomes your BAHU?” Arnav asked Nani straightforwardly.

Nani looked at Arnav, she could see love in his eyes for Khushi, the fear of losing someone he loves.

“I would love to chote, if Khushi bitiya likes you there is nothing we can say in this matter but.. Suba.. Won’t like this… Chote are you really serious? Do you want to marry her?” She asked again.

“I have been so serious in my entire life Nani.” He said immediately.

“I need to talk with Suba first, I will talk to her and tell you later..” Nani said.

ARSHI: Unfortunated LOVE (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now