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"You are the best thing that’s ever been mine." — Taylor Swift.

They both bit goodbye to Manju and her son. Their car was repaired while they were busy with each other.

Arnav keeps stealing glanced at his new wife.

Khushi noticed that, she finally could see his love for her. She feel so lucky that everything is fine now, just like he said. He made it alright.

“Arnavji, you can look at me all day if you want, but please concentrate on the road for now.” She reminded him, made him smile even more.

“Khushi, now that everything is fine. Do you still need to see dadi?” He asked, not liking the idea of meeting dadi.

“Arnavji, we are already half way there. It wouldn’t be good if we returned without meeting her. After that we can go home.” She assured him.

“Whatever you wish, my queen.” He said romantically, hear his jumped hearing the word ‘home’ from her.

She blushed at him, “Arnavji.. Can I tell you something? You won’t be get mad at me right?”

“I won’t.” He said, he could never get angry at her for long anyway.

“I love you, I also love Dadiji. I want my most beloved people to reconcile back. Please don’t hate Dadiji.” She told him, afraid to spoil his good mood.

Arnav sighed as he already expected this from her. “Khushi you know my past?” she nod no in reply.

“When I was 10 years old. It was my mother’s birthday that day I saw my father and mother arguing. He was having an affair with someone else for who know how long.. My mother shot him with agun and shot herself to death. Just like that me and Di both became orphan on a single day. Dadi went ashram without caring about us. Our chaca throws out me and Di from house. We reached to Delhi after so much troubles and found Nani’s home. “He said nonchalantly, almost feeling numb.

She touched his arms, “Arnavji, I understand you. But think about Dadiji, she also lost her son and daughter in law. She was in verge of breaking down. If she didn’t gone to ashram that day, she wouldn’t have met and saved me. I was told by Dadiji that my biological mother abandoned me because she didn’t want a girl baby. Arnavji, if she didn’t save me, I couldn’t possibly be here with you now. Everything happens for a reason. Please forgive Dadiji.. For me.. “She explains.

“I will forgive her Khushi. Because of her only, I met you.”He said immediately, and chuckled.

“Arnavji one more thing..”

“Now what? Who do want me forgive now? Our milk man?” He makes fun of her, he already become a wife slave now.

“Arnavji! Listen first.. Dadiji did look a boy for me.. He was alright, I couldn’t refuse Dadiji then.. I didn’t say yes at same time because I couldn’t say no to Dadiji.” She said with teary eyes.

Arnav looked at her in disbelief, this girl just refused him yesterday so easily but not his dadi? He felt a bit jealous of his dadi.

“Simple Khushi, just let her know about our marriage..” He said with smirked.

Khushi looked down sadly.

“I have request Arnavji. Let’s not disclose our marriage to anyone yet.”

“What the? Why?”

“We got married suddenly because of.. Last night we slept together. We can’t tell them that. If we tell them we got married in secret, they will be disappointed with us.” She hope that he understand her situation.

ARSHI: Unfortunated LOVE (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now