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“Khushi, don’t cry. I’m so sorry.. It is all my fault.. I’m sorry. ” He helplessly wiped off Khushi’s tears. Seeing the large drop of tears falling down Khushi’s eyes as she cried with a wronged expression, Arnav’s heart clenched. “Please, don’t cry.”

Khushi said between her sobs and tears, “You’re not the one who got pregnant, how would you know what I went through having no one to tell my problems.. Nobody know about our secret marriage, and I’m pregnant!”

Arnav slowly lightly kissing Khushi’s tears, he said gently, “I will explain to them, that we are already married. ”

Khushi said as he sobbed, “Dadi and Amma know it!…”

“Then, what are you scared of?” Arnav used his finger to gently wipe off the tears on the corner of Khushi’s eyes and comforted with a soft voice, “Don’t be afraid, believe me when I say I’ll make it alright…” They fall asleep holding each other.


7 months later…

Arnav facing back and forth. It had already been three hours since Khushi had been wheeled into the delivery room. During this time, doctors and nurses would go in and out of the delivery room.

However, Arnav and his family didn’t dare to stop one of the doctors or nurses to ask about the situation for fear that a delay would cause complications.

Dadiji waiting for Khushi for hours saying, “Don’t try to change my mind. I know my body better than you. It hasn’t been that long. Don’t worry, I can last.” wherever anyone told her to go home and take rest.

Ladies were praying to God, along with Akash. Payal also 3 months pregnant now and so is Anjali pregnant for 5 months. The baby fever is high at Raizada mansion soon with filled with babies noises.

During the past period of time when Khushi was pregnant, Arnav did everything as her slave husband.

After a long period of anxious sighs and worries, the doors to the delivery room finally opened, and the group of four swiftly stood up.

The doctor looked exhausted. He pulled down his surgical mask and looked at the group of people.

“The baby hasn’t come out yet. It looks like Mrs. Raizada doesn’t have the strength to keep going. If it comes to it, we’ll choose to do a C-section. Mr. Raizada, we’ll need you to sign…”

Without waiting for the doctor to finish speaking, he said with a tensed face, “I’m going in.”

The chief doctor paused for a moment before nodding and leading Arnav into the delivery room.

It was only after walking through a long hallway that they reached the actual delivery room.

When the doors were pushed open, a wretched cry pierced Arnav’s eardrums. The cry felt more like a knife that was slicing his heart a thousand times.

A sweaty Khushi was lying on the operating table, totally exhausted..

In coordination with the nurse’s directions, Khushi was doing expulsion breathing. She was gripping the operating table, and the veins on the back of her hands were bulging.

Seeing this sight, Arnav felt as if someone was squeezing his heart. He strode over to the operating table and stared nervously at her. “Khushi, look at me! I’m here!”

“Arnavji!? Why.. You her.. Here..” She gasped her breath in pain, sweating hard.

For a moment, he only silently held her hand. Then, he answered, “I should have been here for the start.”

He should have followed Khushi into the delivery room from the start. He shouldn’t have waited outside and left her all alone in the delivery room until now.

She clutching his hand hard, trying to push the baby out as per nurses instruction.

Khushi desperately clutched Arnav’s hand. Screaming in pain and crying, she said, “It hurts too much. I don’t want to give birth anymore! I don’t want to!”

Arnav looked calm, but he was actually clenching his back teeth to remain quiet. However, the bulging veins on his hands and the tights lines on his face revealed his inner fear.

As he listened to the nurse’s voice and Khushi’s weak screams, it felt as if his heart had stopped beating.

If he had known how life-threatening giving birth was, he wouldn’t have let her come close to death’s door.

This was too much suffering, truly too much.

He let her claw the back of his hand even when blood came out from the scratch marks. He kept trying to comfort her. “Don’t be scared. I’m here. I’m here. I’ll always be with you…”

How much does a woman have to love you in order to be willing to have your child?

It seemed that his presence and encouragement gave herstrength and courage. She clenched her teeth, raised her head, and used all of her strength to push.


“The head came out!” The nurse cheered.

Once the baby’s head came out, the rest would be easier.


The nurses brought the Arnav and Khushi’s son out. Arnav never left her side.. He was scared for her life.. “I love you Khushi.. I mean it. Let’s never have a baby after this.” He cried holding her hands.


“I will get a Vasectomy as soon as possible.” He said, she looked at him blankly, is he the same man who wish a daughter again after a son.

“Shut up laad governor, I’m not done with you until we get a daughter. “She said with tears and smile.

“I love you too Arnavji..” She whispered with tired smile.


Rekha Raichand stood guilty before her husband who founded her past. Arnav Singh Raizada told him.

“Rekha, I loved you. I still would loved you if you did tell the truth. I would have helped you to sort out all problems. You totally disappointed me.” He is really upset.

She slumped down and holds her leg begging for his forgiveness, but he couldn’t trust her again, this heartless woman who separated a mother and a child for almost 20 years.

“We’re still together because of the children and nothing more!”

She got what she deserves.. Dev hates her..


The one of the naming ceremony.

Khushi whispered the name in Anjali’s ear and winked at Arnav.

“ARJUN SINGH RAIZADA.” Anjali announced to the all the guest and family members.

Their son had hit genetic jackpot, get best features of both his parents. He is mixture of both of them.

He giggled and gurgled at at his parents while being in arms of Shyam. The eldest great Grandson of Raizada.

Arnav held Khushi in his arms and kissed her forehead, he never thought that he would live a beautiful life like this one day. Their Unfortunated LOVE become his life’s most fortuned LOVE.

They lived happily ever after….


Thank you for reading my story until the end. Please continue to support my other stories if you like this story of mine. – ZILIN

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