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Various alcohol bottles of differing sizes filled the entire table. Before the waiter could ask which one he should open, Arnav answered, “Open all of them.”

After the waiter left, he grabbed the closest bottle without looking at the label, tipped his head back, and downed the drink.

Half an hour later…

Akash come to pick Arnav up from the bar after receiving a call from the waiter.

His bhai.. that man is usually so kept together. What made him drunk himself into this state? Why did he called off the marriage, his bhai himself proposed in the first place?

After a moment’s daze, Akash walked over and bent down to grab Arnav’s arm to pull him off the floor.

It was probably the alcohol acting up because Arnav stared at him for a long time before finally slurring out a question. “Who… who are you?”

As Arnav opened his lips, the heavy stench of alcohol hit Akash on his face, causing the latter to hold his breath.

Just how much did he drink?

Akash slowed down his tone and answered, “Bhai, I’m Akash. Let’s go home.. Khushi is waiting.. “

Before he could finish, with his head still lowered, Arnav mumbled, ” I’m sorry for everything.. I don’t want to go home.. “

Akash could only sigh and bring him the hotel. And he call Khushi to inform her about Arnav.


He brought Arnav to the hotel room with a help of the staff.

Once outside, he pulled out several notes from his wallet and passed them alongside the card of the room to the waiter. “Please wait here for a while, when a girl by the name of Khushi arrives, pass the room card to her.”

The waiter glanced at the notes underneath the card and nodded. “Yes, sir.”

Akash could only hope, they could solve the problem with this chance.


She accepted the room card from the waiter and took several deep breaths before swiping the card on the door and pushing it open.

Akash had booked a suite, and only the lights in the living room were on. The doors to the other rooms were open, but they were completely dark.

He was leaning against the sofa before the windows with his eyes closed.

Probably due to the over drinking, his face was startlingly white. The top buttons of his shirt were unbuttoned, revealing his sturdy collarbones that glistened under the lights.

He suddenly stopped and rushed towards the bathroom and start to throw up.

She dashed forward to stand beside him and reached out to pat his back lightly.

She helped him to wash his face and chest and brought out.

She helped him to the bed and lay him down.

In drunken he starts to think of Khushi hating him,  he opened his eyes to see Khushi again.

“I love you..” He said pulled her to him.

“Arnavji you…”She merely got out these few words when his tapered fingers grabbed her jaw to force her to look into his eyes. Her heart dropped, but before she could even see his face clearly, his lips suddenly charged toward her and dominated her lips.

Her eyes were wide open, staring at his face that was literally right before her, and her mind was a complete blank.

While her mind was fighting it out, she realized his fingers had found their way to her back. His teeth bit on the zipper of her clothes and she could feel the air touch her bare skin as he pulled his head back.

ARSHI: Unfortunated LOVE (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now