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The color in Khushi’s face started to drain. This is a nightmare right, “Someone please wake me up..”

Khushi bit on her lips to prevent her tears from falling, but as she stared at his icy face, they still fell uncontrollably.

Her tears were the most hated thing in his head. Her tears will easily melt him down.

She turned her face away, and her tears fell like pearls. Through her tears, she whimpered, “Please stop this… Arnavji..”

He continued talking like he had not even heard her.

“I have someone else to satisfy me so your service is no longer needed. I have no intention to be tied one single woman for my entire LIFE, ASR got lot of other option to try out, Khushi…”

“Please, I beg of you, stop talking! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!” Khushi mumbled the words ‘shut up’ like a mantra after Arnav finished his speech. However, his words filtered through her palms and drilled right into her ears.

His went near her and raised her chin with his hand and said,” You’re still young Khushi, what love, what marriage? Isn’t living like this is fun? It’s your own fault expecting marriage from me, such a turn off.” He mocked her love,

Flustered Khushi raised her hands to swipe at his hand that was on her chin like a crazy woman before clamping them forcefully over her ears, and she cried shrilly, “Stop it! Stop it!”

He stood to the side and watched her with an icy gaze. There was a complete lack of emotion in his eyes.

She did not even glance Arnav’s way. With her head lowered, rushed out of his cabin.

When the door opened, Arnav, who was standing in the cabin, heard Aman’s concerned voice ask, “Bhabhi? What’s wrong? be careful…”

Just as Aman said that, Arnav heard the sound of someone knocking into a chair.

From that day onward, no matter how their paths crossed in the future, she would not have any desire toward him anymore.

“This is the right thing to do… It pains me to do this, but this is the right thing to do.”

He knew that she would one day walk out of the haze of pain that he had created. Then, she would meet another man, fall in love, and have the happy ending that she deserved, while he would continue to watch from the side-lines quietly, blessing her and protecting her.

Such a thought of her with someone else burns him.. He took laptop throw it in anger and swipe all the things off his office table. Why this is happening to them..

Aman walked in saw ASR’S cabin in mess. He picked up all the paper, saw Arnav’s laptop broken. “ASR, later I’ll go get another laptop that is from the same model. Then, I’ll transfer the data from this one into the new one, you won’t notice the difference.”

Arnav did not say a word, but his eyes that looked out the window were covered with a layer of sadness. Yes, a new laptop could be purchased, but even if the internal drive was carried over, it was ultimately not the same laptop anymore. Just like how… he had crushed her heart into pieces that day. Even after the cracks healed, it would not be the same heart she had today.

There won’t tomorrow waking up seeing her face in the morning, her affectionate eyes, her cheerful smile, sound of her Payal, her jasmine smell, her love for him, her everything won’t be his anymore. She is no one to him, he is no one to her. It’s better than telling the truth.

He met with Dadi, looked at painfully in tears.

“I have done everything to make her hate me Dadi, please take care of her for me. I can’t stop love her as woman, staying here will be making it hard for both of us so I have decided go to London tomorrow.” He said, the many memories that he shared with Khushi started to appear in his mind. This is not good.

“Chote.. I will make her marry someone else and move on in her for a better life. I’m really sorry for everything. I’m not a good grandmother to you or Anjali but I’m to Khushi. I did give you some hint before.. All women in our family are fragile like me, Ratna, Anjali.. And Khushi, her name was left unsaid that day. I told you about your uncle because I raised Khushi just like I raised him.. It isn’t her fault to be product of affair. She is my everything, so don’t worry about her. You take care.. Please don’t come back until she is fully recovered from this pain. “She said with sorrowful heart.

“Thank you Dadi.” He said lastly. “So unfortunate, I love you so, but I still need to leave you Khushi. “He thought sadly.

Khushi hugged Payal and cried hard holding her, could not control her emotions. If what he said was true then everything.. Their memories were all fake love? He used her?

His love? His concern? His jealousy? His care? Their Marriage?

“I JUST LOVED YOUR BODY, NOT YOU.” his words strike her heart again made her sobs even harder.

His and her story had begun so beautiful.

His and her story had so many twists and turns in the middle.

So how come his and her story had such a bitter ending?

Khushi cried for long long time before she stopped. Payal teared up seeing her like this.

“He don’t deserve you, it’s his loss and not yours. You deserves someone better.” Payal said to Khushi.

Khushi took several deep breaths and slowly forced her tired body up. She closed her eyes and started to think.

She doesn’t regret meeting him, loving him with her all heart and soul. He showed her what love felt like.. For him it might be just Sexual desire but for her he is her first love..

“Khushi you have this whole family to support you. You consider me as your own sister na?” She asked her.

Khushi looked and nodded yes.

“Then smile Khushi, you have show that you are strong and brave, make him regret for leaving such wonderful girl.”

She tried her best to curve her lips into a faded smile.

Her eyes pooled with tears, but she said with a smile, “I will Jiji.”

She tried to make herself appear stronger for Payal.


Next day..

Even though she promised to be strong, her heart shattered heard HIM leaving the country, leaving her forever.

“Khushi? Khushi? Bhai is going Airport right now, I don’t think he will return back to India after this. Whatever misunderstanding he had about you, I know he still love you Khushi.”

Khushi couldn’t get herself together, she ran took Mohan the driver with her to the Airport.


Arnav thought of all the memories in last three months he spent here with her..

Everything is falling apart, the most weird thing is that he still desires her, he disgusted at himself. Good thing Arvind died early or else he would killed him with his bare hands.

Then he saw her running towards him selflessly even after he said those lies to make her hate him, in corner of his heart he knows that she will come for him.

He turned himself cold and pulled his head designer Lavanya Kashyap into very intimate hug. Made Khushi stood there like a stone staring Him and His new live in partner or whatever she assumed.

To be continued…

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