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For past month felt like heaven for Aman and other staffs at AR DESIGNS. The mighty ASR stopped shouting at them, most of weird things Aman witnessed was one day, he saw ASR smiling talking to some girl named Khushi, sometimes even blushing.

ASR is in love? THE ASR that despises women?

Khushi? The girl he was told to investigate?

Whatever the reason could be, he is free from ASR'S anger.

"May I come in Sir?" He knocked and entered into his cabin anyway.

He saw ASR smiling holding a small box containing a diamond ring.

"For Khushi Bhabhi?" He asked eagerly.

Arnav looked at like a hawk, Aman smiled at him sheepishly.

"Do you think she will like this ring?" Which translation is 'Will she accept his love?' but Aman didn't know it.

"Of course! ASR, she definitely will accept it." Made his mood better.

"I will give everyone a bonus if she agrees!" Arnav said with smile to Aman's surprise.


Arnav walk in to his house noticed Nani and Anjali's sad face, looks like they are upset about something. What drama are doing now?

"What happen Di?"

"Khushi is leaving, chote." She said feeling low.

"What the? Why? How? I mean what happened to her that could lead her to such a decision? Did she say anything? Is she upset about something?" He asked in panic.

Anjali noticed her brother overly disturb by the fact Khushi is leaving?

"Chote, did you... By any chance.." Anjali looked at him in suspicion.

He looked her in shock, did she caught his feelings for Khushi?

"Did you said anything that upset Khushi?"

He could only sigh, why would he? He was planning to propose to her dammit..

"No Di. I.. Did.. Not!"

He ran upstairs to meet her, why Khushi?


He saw her packing her luggage with sad face.

"Khushi?" She stopped her moments and looked at him.

"Why are you suddenly leaving?" 'me' he wants say that.

"I'm going home Arnavji.. Thank you so much for letting stay here for a while." She said with teary eyes.

He felt there is something wrong with her.

"Home? This is your home Khushi." He said.

She nod no as her tears starts to fall. He couldn't bear that she is crying.

He caught her by shoulder and asked her what's wrong with her? Did he do something wrong? Di? Nani? Or Jeejaji?

She could only nod no, she could only looked at his brown eyes, for last time.

He took a deep breath and finally said to her.

"I love you Khushi, I really love you. I want you to stay me in this house, in my room as my w.." as he continues he try to take out the ring box, propose to marry her.. He heard her say.

"No Arnavji.. I can't." She told him firmly, she can't possibly accept his offer to living together with him,she thought.

His hand stopped working, his mind filled with rage. She refused him? The ASR? The mighty ASR who girls were chase after? Did he heard her right?

ARSHI: Unfortunated LOVE (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now