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He woke up at night, feeling much better, he took the wet towel off his forehead, it must Khushi.. He saw her sleeping in his room, on his recliner, her angelic figure.. He blinked to see if she is actually real? He went near, touched her hair and tucked it behind her ear.

Khushi woke up to check up on him, and saw him so close her, her heart stopped beating for moment.

“Arnavji?” She touched his forehead and sighed in reliaf that his temperature is back to normal.

He kept staring at her, how nice it is to have someone to care for him. He stood back.

“Don’t leave me yet.” He said seeing her wanting to retreat back to her room.


He realised that she can’t say here at night..


She finally left his room.

He doesn’t know when she will realise her feelings but when she does, will he able to control himself?


Time slowly passed..

Their relationship didn’t get much of progress to Arnav’s disappointment.

To his surprise he started to accompany her to the market every now and then, he started counting them as date. His Jeejaji laughed at his poor fate.

He is enjoying every second of his life with Khushi for sure, he got acquaintance with all the vendors in market. They often goes to her favourite dabba to eat her favourite desi food. Whenever he does something wrong, he will just bring her to eat and that’s enough to cheer her up.

He got to know everything about her because of her chatterbox character.

“You know what mittu did..” She said chatter about anything, there is no way she can stop talking and he love it about her.


Khushi looked at Arnav’s profile, handsome..

Nowadays, she become more aware of his presence, his affects on her. Her everything is somehow linked to him with an invisible thread. His every touch makes her conscious of her feelings for him.

She likes that he will patiently listen to whatever she blabbers without complaining. She feels safe with him.

Dadiji’s selection, Vihaan Sharma seems like a nice guy but she told to Dadiji that she needs some time.

She looked at his photo, not liking him.. He isn’t tall enough to hold her when she is afraid of lightning. He is just 4 years senior than her, which makes him look immature in her book unlike someone, he also doesn’t have a beautiful brown eyes like certain someone.

She realised who she thinks about, “I like that laad governor?” She asked herself, as her prospective husband?

She imagined her life with him, someone who’s presence is so calming. A collective person with good family.

Her first thought is. “Will Dadiji agree?”

Her second but more important concern is..

“Hey devi maiyaa! What would he think of me? Seriously I staying in his house, living by Dadiji’s grace. How can I ever have thought of him like that?”

“He is take care of me because of his good nature, how can I ever take advantage of it?” She looked in fear.

“He is comes to know this, he will hate me.. Who’s advice should I seek?” She looked around nervously.

“Let’s do this way, if I make you realise what kind of feelings they are without telling you. I win, if I don’t I lose. If I lose I will do anything you say so but if I win..” His words came to her mind.

“I don’t want change my name! This name was given by Dadiji..” She becomes even more stressed.

Things become more complicated..


One day, Nani’s room

She was with Naniji and Anjali, they were talking about Vihaan to her, convincing her to the marriage.

“Haan, handsome.” Nani said.

Anjali picked the photo put up near Khushi’s face and said. “Good match!”

Khushi almost got tears in her eyes, the one actually she likes is Anjali’s brother.. Feeling suffocated and sad, she could not say anything.

Then Anjali got a call Payal from Singapore, saying they all are coming back to India next week. They chatted a bit and Anjali cut the call.

“Payalji?” She asked.

Nani’s face turned awkward, and said “It’s been 2 years, since Akash got married. This chote disappoint us all by rejecting her and his so called preferred lifestyle..” Nani sighed.

“What happen Anjali Ji?” She asked.

“Khushi, Chote don’t believe in marriage and love, he suggested Payal to live in with him, without marriage. And we got her married to my akash to avoid such a humiliation.” Khushi got goosebumps hearing that.

“He is still the same, stubborn. We are fearing someday he might bring his girlfriend to live in the same house without marriage, we have to live in shame if that ever happens.” Anjali said with worry.

“He said he will never marry anyone, all the woman just want him for his money.” Anjali added to Khushi’s horror.

Khushi clutched her dupatta, he hate marriage? He will hate her if she tell him that she likes him?

“I will never tell him” She promised herself.

Arnav on the side sneezed, not knowing Di and Nani just destroyed the chances he had with Khushi unknowingly.


That night.

Khushi dreamed of being with Arnav. Holding hand in hand, her head on his shoulder.

She slowly asked, “Arnavji, what are we?” a very simple question.

He looked at her with disgust suddenly.

“We’re living together Khushi! Because you’re a gold digger. My Dadi brought you in this house because of her love for you, and you used that to take an advantage of me? Seriously? Whom are kidding? A nameless girl like you? Don't you feel shame to seduce me? ”

She looked at Arnav in fear.

“Arnav what are you saying? I.. I love you..”

“I don’t believe in your love because you’re a gold digger! An orphan who abandoned by her own mother!” He reminded.

She looked at him in horror, this is not Arnavji..

She woke up sweating heavily…. She want to go back, she can’t stay here.

“Dadiji, where are you? Please take me away from this place..” She sobs softly, fear of him knowing her unrequited love.

"I love him Dadiji.." She cried painfully in fear.

To be continued…

ARSHI: Unfortunated LOVE (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now