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Khushi down with heavy fever, after that incident it would be miracle if didn’t get it.

Her cheeks are red in fever and embarrassment. She won’t go out of the room today. She ate medicine and slept soundedly.

She woke up in the evening and look for Anjali. Hp told she is cleaning their store with OP. She went there to give a helping hand. Arnavji should be in office right now.

When they were cleaning, they found some old albums. Anjali showed their old family pictures with nostalgia.

“This picture..” Anjali giggled at her chote’s naked photo as a baby.

“.. Arnavji!” She claimed seeing that big mole his on hip.

“Eh? How did you know this is chote?” Anjali asked in wonder.

Khushi felt her heart stopped beating for moment. And remember his bare body she saw in the morning.. “His face..”She trembled.

Anjali didn't notice any and continues to clean the store.


“Di?” He saw her coming into his room with a jewellery box.

She handover him that box, saying.

“Mamma’s bangles, she left for your bride.”

“Chote, you need reconsider your decision about your life style, how long do you think you can remain single?” She asked.

He looked at her in silence, it was she who suggested his love interest to make him brother by tieing Rakhi. She also snatched the flower pot he bought for Khushi. Now she is asking him this?

“I will seriously consider it Di.” He said and chase her away for his room.

He looked the bangles, soon it will it’s owner.

He smiled to himself. And went down to have dinner. Hoping to see her face which he didn’t get to see today.

Khushi on the other side, looking everywhere but him, she had seen enough.

He felt like laughing at her terrified face.

She is driving him crazy..


Next Morning.

He got up early and prepared for his office and went downstairs, and saw her praying something to her favourite god.

With her closed eyes, trembling lips that muttered something, her pink color cheek, he reached out his hand and pinch her check softly.

So soft…

Khushi opened her eyes and saw him pinching her cheek, she felt butterfly inside her stomach.

He let her cheek go, she eyes are asking him what is he is doing right now.

“I’m worshipping my goddess.” He said with smirked.

“Ji?” She asked not understanding his meaning.

“You won’t understand this Khushi..” His voice said.

“I’m going to office, take care of the house.” He said simply and left. He is acting a husband who is by off to office by his wife.

Leaving puzzled Khushi, her Arnavji is very strange man.. Her Arnavji?

She didn’t understand this sudden feeling..

“Dadiji… What should I name this feeling?” She bit her nails.

She turned to her Devi maiyaa and said in upset tone.

“I just pray to that I don’t want to see that laad governor today but what you just did? You put him before me.”

She is going crazy, all because of that towel.

She gulped.. Act normal Khushi… Dadiji…


Night time.

He went to fetch water again hoping to have encounter with his angel. He bumped into someone, her soft pink lips accidentally touched clean shaved his cheek.

His heart trembled, saw her just muttered sorry and went back to Kitchen.

“I bumped into her and she kissed me.” Not much to think about, just a little kiss on cheek but its making havoc in his heart.

He followed into Kitchen, she was making a lot jelebis acting normal in his eyes.

“What’s wrong with her? Even if it’s was just an accident, normally she should have some reaction. Shouldn’t she? At least she should look a bit embarrassed about it.” He thought.

“Arnavji do you need water?” She asked him calmly.

“What the..” He is the one who is over reacting for a kiss.

He took the bottle from her and went back to his room.

She sighed heavily, she was afraid that he will hear her heart beating loud, as she continued to make mountain of jelebi in tension.


Arnav feels like punching someone right now.

Last night when she avoided him, he thought she is being affected by him at least. But now.. He realised that she doesn’t even think of him as man!

He feel defeated.. He is the one who always look for her, not her..

“Starting tomorrow.. I WILL AVOID HER, LET HER FEEL HER OWN MEDICINE.” He planned.

Next Morning..

He sighed in defeat, giving up his eyes are keep searching for her. Only her..

He could only motivate himself to keep trying.

To be continued…

Please let me know what you think about this chapter Tq.

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