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Two weeks later.

Dadi received a parcel from Anjali, weird she thought. She opened the parcel found something outrageous, her breathing became unstable as she saw Wedding invitation Of KHUSHI AND ARNAV!

"Dadi, I heard from Nani that you don't want attend the wedding so I have send you the invitation and engagement photos anyway, hoping that you might change your mind. We all are waiting for your arrival, from Your Anjali. Ps.. KHUSHI IS MISSING YOU."

She felt her head is spinning, "Devyani! You played me!" She tore the invitation in anger.

"Disgusting... I NEED to STOP THIS MARRIAGE! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPEN." She cried, the past is haunting them again. How can they get married?

Do they love each other? Does Khushi love Arnav? No.. SHE WILL NEVER THIS HAPPEN.

She throws the engagement pictures of Khushi and Arnav in dustbin.

They are getting marry tomorrow?

"RAJ! GET THE CAR READY. WE'RE LEAVING TO DELHI. FASTER..." Dadi roared, as she run to the car.


The wedding day.

Payal getting Khushi ready with Anjali and Garima. Garima put her kohl behind Khushi's ear, "You look so beautiful." Khushi took Garima's blessings and hugged her.

Khushi's eyes got moist, "I miss Dadiji a lot, I hope she also come here to see me in this Lehenga." She said.

"Khushi, the bride shouldn't be crying on her wedding day, please smile, you will ruin your make up. Everything will be alright after marriage." said Payal.

"Khushi I got something for my soon to be Bhabhi, my mother's jewelleries. Wear this Chote will be happy to see you wearing this. Mamma's blessings and will is in this jewelleries." Anjali said and helped her to wear it.

"Now you're perfect Raizada bride." Payal beamed at her.

They brought Khushi to mandap and wait for Groom's Arrival.

They waited for him for long time and started to call his phone non stop. Khushi got anxious thinking something might happen to her Arnavji. She started to tear up.

"Arnavji where are you?" She could hear the guests starting whispering. Anjali hugged and try to console her. Everyone is totally disappointed with Arnav. Khushi is waiting for him patiently, she is already his wife, this just a ritual for the family.

Arnav walked in slowly into the wedding hall, his wedding attire is totally messed up. His eyes are bloodshot red.

"Arnavji?" She stood up, looked at him in worry. Her eyes merely glanced at him for a moment before her heart tightened up, and she stopped breathing hearing his next words.

He turned to the guests and his family and said. "This wedding is not happening!"

Raizada family felt like a thunder striked them.

Blood on her face drained, Khushi stared at his face for a long time before her eyes finally moved, and tears gradually fell from her eyes, trailed down her face.

Payal straight up went and slapped him before everyone. "You bastard! How could you do this to her!" She clutched his collar and shouted. Akash pulled her back from Arnav.

Arnav just left them and stormed out of the wedding hall, leaving his family in distraught and crying Khushi.


His knuckles that gripped the steering wheel were white. , He drove his car at speed 200km/h, his vision blurred with tears thinking what happened an hour ago..

As he was leaving for the wedding avenue,he was stopped by Dadi.

"Dadi?" He was surprised, didn't Nani told that Dadi won't attend the their wedding?

"Don't go Arnav. You're doing a huge mistake." She warned him.

"What do you mean? Dadi, Nani said you agreed to this marriage. Khushi is waiting for me. Let's talk after the marriage." He said, not listening to her.

"You're spoiling her life!" She claimed.

"Dadi stop thinking about past, I love Khushi! She loves me! I won't be like my father! Please understand." He almost pleaded her to understand their feelings.

Dadi started to crying, blaming herself for this situation, if only she didn't send Khushi to stay at Shantivan, this mistake wouldn't have happened.

He tried leave but stopped by Dadi who is holding his leg to his shock.

"What the hell are doing DADI?"

"I don't have other choice Chote.. Please marry anyone else but not my Khushi. You can't marry her! Anyone but her!" She wailed, not letting him go.

"Why!?" He sensed something is very wrong as he kneel down facing Dadi, who is not looking at his face.

"Chote please.. Anyone in this whole world but not Khushi.." She repeatedly said that.

"Why anyone but Khushi?" He asked in fear. Dadi is hiding something about Khushi from the beginning.



"BECAUSE SHE IS YOUR SISTER!" She let out the truth.

His face was startlingly white. His moments stopped her words. She is joking right?

"She is your sister, your Father's and his affair Rekha's daughter." She dropped the bomb on him.

His heart totally shattered hearing that, Rekha.. That name he heard mom and dad used to say her name in their arguments, Rekha's daughter, Khushi is his... Sister?

"18 years ago after your father's death I went to find Rekha, she was cheated by him.. She almost throws her daughter Khushi away, that's when I told her I will be taking Khushi and she should never look for her daughter anymore." Subatra said slowly.

"I raised Khushi my granddaughter by my own, I never told of this matter to avoid staining Khushi's name, I thought it's better to be called an orphan than being a child without wedlock ,I did not find any thing wrong leaving Khushi in Shantivan because I thought she will with her sister Anjali and her brother which is you.. How am I supposed to know that you both might fall in love? This marriage should not take place, please forget Khushi.. Leave her.." She cried out loudly.

Arnav winched at her words.

Arnav felt nauseated, his hands started to shaking, him and Khushi.. Are already married.. And they're already intimate with each other. How could he say that out loud.

"You're committing a sin! She is your sister!" She told him. A simple sentence made his heart quake with so much pain that he bent over clutching his chest.

The bloody tears that sipped through his fingers grew in intensity until his shoulders started to shake.

"I will not marry her, please don't tell about this to anyone. Khushi should never know about this! Ever!" He commanded and left Dadi.


Arnav purchase a pack of cigarette from a convenience store. Leaning against the lamp post, he lit one of the cigarettes. This was the first cigarette he had ever smoked in his life, and it made him cough violently.

Eventually, the coughs got so severe that tears spilled out of his eyes.

Why did this happen to him? How will he will be able to face Khushi anymore? As his Wife or as his sis.. His chest suddenly shrank, the pain causing him to wheeze out a deep breath.

This is for her own good... They have to forget everything.. They memories together, their marriage, their love.. All together..
How many dreams they had, all of it was destroyed in mere second.. If only she is not his father's daughter...

To be continued...

Hi Zilin here,, please let me know what you think about this chapter. This story is going end soon so please voted and comment. Don't worry She is not actually his sister.. Please read previous chapter if you're confused. There is no villain in this story but just misunderstandings.
I will be writing new story after this Tq. Please continue to support me and my story.

ARSHI: Unfortunated LOVE (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now