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I can't believe I'm finally doing this, it's been years since I last updated, oh my god now that I think about it I've grown so much these past three years, I have to admit it's one of the reasons why I stopped updating, I don't know if you will read this author note or not because I know some people skip it, but I deem it important for the people who have been waiting for an update and are questioning my long absence. Well, I'm going to try to clarify everything and make it kinda short .

I came up with the idea for this book when I was 16 and I was honestly feeling really unwell mentally so I wanted to write this book to feel less lonely and practice writing, I wanted to write many other books as well regarding the same subject but I'm a busy person and updating demands a lot of effort.

I know that a lot of you will be disappointed that this is not an update for the story but I just felt like I needed to clear up any misunderstandings so the new readers don't get any false hope and of course the old readers too.

I never actually expected this story to go a long way, I really thought that I would delete it at some point but seeing that a lot of people loved it, I couldn't do that to them especially if this book actually was of help to some people and made them feel less alone like me back in those days.
Through this book I in no way wanted to promote self harm or depression and I hope none of you read this book to romanticize such concepts, I grew to make that a sort of doctrine and rule to abide by .

In short, as many of you may have already concluded, I'm well mentally now after a lot of struggling, I learnt to love myself and to focus on my growth as a person by avoiding books that eventually turned into a sort of comfort zone for me and decided to not be dependent on them and move on to something else .

We all go through phases, so I'm not judging anyone who still wants to read stuff like that but I just hope it's a phase for everyone, because truly I don't wish it upon anyone .

I feel like this book needed a closure a year ago but I never got the chance to give it one, I think I was scared of losing something, readers maybe, but now I'm really past that, I just want to move on and keep this book and this experience in my memories and all of the reader's support, I appreciated every single comment begging me to update , it really warmed my heart and pained me at the same time because deep within me, I knew that I wasn't going to finish this book so you guys need this closure as much as I do .

Wattpad is an amazing app and it played a huge role to make me the person that I am today, I might write another book if I get the chance but I'm not sure I will because I got into law school so it's very hectic, or I might in the far future actually write a real book ( not that I'm saying Wattpad books aren't real books but I mean publishing a book on paper ).

This might disappoint some people but I have to share it, it's a part of my last update and closure, I'm no longer an army but I'll always be deep within, BTS helped me a lot and I'm super thankful for them, but I've just grown to not need them and be dependent on them anymore, I still love them all the same though .

I cried when I learnt about the news of their enlistment and it just shows how fast the time passes, I've been an army for almost 4 years and I don't regret anything.

It seems I kinda over shared , but I don't care,  I just felt like saying everything to not leave anything unsaid and to have the perfect closure for this book .
Fun fact : I put the title for this update "chapter 14" but as soon as I started writing this I knew that this should be the closure for this book instead , because all my readers need to come on terms with this book .

Anyways , even though, not everyone will read this and some will skip it , I know the real ones will pay attention to every word to understand where I'm coming from when I say that this book needs a closure .
Thank you so much everyone, as much as I say it , it will never be enough compared to the amount of love and support I received for this book , I'm truly grateful to you guys because you helped me create a dream which is writing a book on paper one day .

I'll just have to wrap it up by announcing that conflict jjkxbts is complete and that no further chapters will be uploaded.
If I were to select a reason for interrupting this book it would be growth , more specifically my mental growth , I hope for all the young readers and the grown ones too that whatever you're going through is just a phase and that you will eventually overcome it like me . You can do it and don't rush , one step at a time .

This is goodbye , take care of yourselves and if anyone is feeling unwell or needs help , please don't hesitate to text me I'm more than glad to be of help .
Kisses , yours faithfully @fairylalise .

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