chapter 5

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Jungkook pov :

Once inside, I looked around the huge workout room analyzing the numerous equipments in there that were all in different shapes and sizes, I then proceeded with connecting my phone to the speakers and pressing shuffle once I chose a specific motivational playlist .

I also made sure to lower the volume afraid that the members would get bothered and to avoid getting another lecture .

I started by stretching and proceeded with my assigned workout routine . I struggled a lot this time though and it was really hard to keep up because of the immense hunger but I ignored it once again and did some weight lifting .

At some point though my hands became too shaky which was unusual so I stopped to take a breath and almost gulped the energetic drink that I brought with me all in one go , I looked at myself then in the slightly foggy mirror examining my figure , "I look so damn pale " I thought and my body was completely drenched in sweat .
I truly hate the fact that I sweat the most out of all the members , I swear that it looks like someone poured water on me .

Nearing the end of my workout I was actually struggling to even breathe, I was panting heavily and my body seemed frantic because of the intensity of the routine .

I eventually started feeling dizzy as my body shook and black dots started swarming my vision . I rapidly moved my head to the left and to the right then slapped myself on the cheeks in hopes of coming back to my senses .

Suddenly the realization hit me that I totally fucked up because who on earth would exercise on an empty stomach ? , oh my god I could have fainted right here but thank god I didn't .
I hastily wiped the sweat off my body with my small towel , took my drink with me and rushed out of the gym after stopping the music to get a refreshing cold shower .

I wobbled all the way to my room because of the immense fatigue and headed straight to the shower while hoping silently that the  cramps and soreness won't disturb my sleep in the middle of the night .

I rapidly took off my shirt and threw it haphazardly in the room because it was sticking to my body . I then examined my bandage to check if there's any damage and sighed in relief for it was intact .

I proceeded with taking off my sweats and tossing them aside too , then came off my favourite sneakers , and I immediately rushed inside the bathroom , got inside the bathtub and used the freezing cold water to cool my body down . I moaned in satisfaction and bathed in the sensation of having the ice cold water collide with my skin . It also made me close my eyes and feel a little sleepy .

I used my vanilla scented shower gel to thoroughly clean my body and made sure my bandage didn't get wet .

Once I was done I hung a towel around my waist and ran my hand through my black jet hair to mess it up a little .
I soon after wore my pyjamas then plopped down on my bed with nothing better to do than staring at the beige ceiling of my room while my stomach twisted and churned from hunger and thinking of a way to sleep with no complications for the night , which is obviously impossible .


As soon as we cleaned our dinner table and gathered all the dirty dishes in the sink namjoon asked ;

-Namjoon : " who's turn is it to wash the dishes today ? "

Everyone looked at each other searching for the answer when taehyung exclaimed ;

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