chapter 7

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Jungkook POV :

I realized that I ended up sleeping on the floor from exhaustion , so I hastily stood up shaking a little bit because of the sudden move , I felt my sore muscles tensing as I tried not to sway and maintain my balance but I ignored it all as I hurriedly reached for my phone on the bedside table to look at the time 3:45 am , I sighed in relief knowing that the sun still wasn't up because we're going to have an early dance practice today , I sat cross legged on my bed thinking of what to do after everything that had happened , it's a mess honestly .

After going through the things I wanted to do before every one wakes up I decided to go check in the kitchen to maybe get myself something to eat because if not I'll pass out during  practice which is not exactly thrilling , and maybe I'll also wash the dishes in case they left it there for me and were intending on forcing me to clean it .
I got up from my bed tiptoeing out of my room and closing the door in slow motion then I proceeded on walking down the stairs silently so no one would wake up or notice my presence , i swear it's annoying that most of them are light sleepers and they might also not be asleep who knows ? , so once I reached the kitchen I wasn't really surprised to see the dirty plates in the sink with all the used utensils , I shakily breathed in and out and came to the realization that if I didn't do this no one would .I wore Jin's pink favorite gloves and proceeded to clean everything and made sure not to make the slightest bit of noise which was damn  hard for it took me twice the time I usually spend .
Once done I opened the drawer to my right to take some pain killers because I was now sporting a  headache that was making me quiet restless and add to that I was really feeling dizzy so I filled a cup with water and drank the pills hoping it would make me feel better so I would reach my room without collapsing on the stairs , I stood spacing out in the kitchen all the things that happened today coming all at once to remind me of those horrible events so I sat on a chair holding onto my head as I felt the guilt and sadness consume me all over again .

Jin POV :

I sat on my bed looking over at Suga's sleeping form thinking about jungkook , I really am starting to think that what we did was quiet exaggerated, I groaned lowly shifting on my bed and decided to go look out for kook and try to listen to him it might make him feel better , I don't know , I can't stay mad at him for too long he's the only one that I've got a soft spot for .
once out of my room I headed to the direction of his room in the end of the hallway but hastily stopped midway in front of the stairs once I heard rustling and the sound of things moving  ,I panicked thinking that maybe there was a thief in the house so I held  the closest thing to me which happened to be an umbrella .
I cursed lowly under my breath but proceeded to make my way downstairs nonetheless , I tiptoed not making any sound and once I reached the end of the stairs I held onto the railing and bent down to make myself unnoticed but once I saw jungkook looking through the drawer of medicine I hid behind the wall titling my head to keep my eyes on him .
I was really worried , suddenly I remembered the dishes that we left in there for him and was surprised to see that he washed all of them reminding myself to tell suga because he said jungkook didn't want to wash them , I went back to reality and saw how  he drank some pills that I think were pain killers I knew everything in this house , I wanted to ask him but once I saw how he sat on a chair and  hid his face between his arms I instantly felt bad but felt like I wanted to give him privacy so I went back to my room and decided to talk to him tomorrow .

Jungkook POV :

After my small breakdown I found some grapes in the fridge so I ate a little because I kinda lost my appetite , then I went upstairs to go back to my room but decided otherwise once I reached the top of the stairs and went in front of jin and yoongi's room and mumbled a small sorry knowing that they wouldn't hear me and went back to my cold and dark room hoping that maybe tomorrow would  be a better day .

A/n : I'm extremely sorry for this late update but sometimes I don't get motivated but yesterday was different so when I promised to update my WiFi connection had issues so I couldn't but nonetheless I hope u enjoy this chapter and thnx for helping me reach almost 2k right now I'm the happiest 💓

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