chapter 13

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A/n : I promised you guys to not take a lot of time to update but I'm sorry because it's obviously not the case , I'm trying to become a good writer and update more frequently because y'all are so nice and your comments mean the world to me , I can't seem to find a way to show my gratitude towards you all for 30k , but I'm just shook , it's really thanks to you all , now let's get into the chapter real quick , enjoy ;)

Third person POV :

They all felt nervous as they stood in front of the doctor , some of them kept on gnawing at their lips almost drawing out blood, and the others fidgeted with their fingers not seeming to be able to handle the tension in the air, they were all extremely scared .

Jin nodded his head frantically to the doctor after he asked them if they were jungkook's family beckoning him to tell them about his condition , the doctor shifted nervously on his feet , he didn't know how to tell them about what he found out while examining their youngest group member without causing them pain , he knew deep within himself that it was impossible , it has always been a sensitive topic with a few other patients regarding the same issue .
It has always been hard for him to deal with these types of situations ,because it never fails to sadden him , but he decided to collect himself and said :
_ " well..., Mr.jeon seems to have fainted because of dehydration , I'm sure that he has been overworking himself which caused him to pass out , he needs to rest , it's nothing too serious , he basically just has to look more after himself and his well being , I'm sure you guys are older than him so make sure to keep an eye on him all the time to avoid such things from occurring , but on a more serious note , I need you all to not panic and pay attention to every word I say okay ? " .

They nodded their heads hesitantly in sync as their faces morphed from a relieved expression to a worried one , he took it as a sign to continue and proceeded :
_"I don't know if I'm the right person to tell you about this , but I think you deserve to know , I have a feeling that you are completely clueless of what Mr .jeon is going through , and the fact that he fainted today and had to be escorted to the hospital , might not be a mere coincidence so let me get back to the main subject ..."

He sighed looking at the floor then proceeded ; " while undressing  Mr.jeon and inserting the IV drip in his hand , I noticed a lot of cuts all along both his hands and thighs , and the cuts are clearly self inflicted ,  that means that your youngest member sadly, self harms boys ... " .

Namjoon POV :

When the doctor muttered those words , my heart shattered , a lump formed in my throat not allowing me to have access to air anymore , I felt a shiver run down my spine and stared at the doctor with gapped lips , as if he just grew two heads , my chest felt restricted as flashbacks of what i said to jungkook kept appearing in my head , drowning me in guilt , a part of me kept screaming at me that it was my fault , but I tried hard to disregard it , because I literally couldn't believe what I heard , jungkook self harming didn't sit well in my stomach , how did we not notice , are we that dense !! .

The thought of looking Jungkook in the eyes after processing this horrible information made me feel uneasy , how are we gonna face him after knowing this , we for sure need to be extra careful around him now and pay attention to every word we say , he clearly still doesn't know that his secret has been revealed and I would prefer that it stays that way , while we try to help him get better and of course become hyungs that he can rely on and open up to , while he stays completely oblivious to our knowledge about his habit .

I turned my head to look at the others and regretted it as soon as I did , jin , taehyung and jimin had tears streaming down their cheeks with wide horrified eyes , while Jhope had a hand clasped around his mouth shaking his head rapidly and suga just kept looking at the ground concealing his emotions as usual but I knew he felt guilty , all of us were .

The doctor tapped namjoon's shoulder as a sign of comfort , snapping him out of his dilemma and held a soft smile on his face and said :
_" listen boys , I know you're all hurt because of these sudden news , but you all have to be strong for him , if you want him to recover and stop self harming , you will have to stand by his side , you guys don't know why he self harms for sure , so you need to discover the reason behind it , he needs you all , he's still young and you  are his family , he needs continuous mental support .
I'm not a psychiatrist but if things get out of hand , he needs to have therapy sessions  , jungkook will be discharged tomorrow , and you're all allowed to visit him after twenty minutes , I will leave him in your hands , and you better take care of him and do what I told you to do , I already grew a soft spot for him because he kinda reminds me of my son ...
well I'll be taking my leave , goodbye boys and make sure to press the red button next to Mr . jeon's hospital bed , if there's an emergency ."

Third person POV :

They all bowed to him in respect , as his words kept repeating themselves in their heads like a broken record , they sat back on the chairs drowning in their own thoughts as jin counted twenty minutes so they could visit jungkook but not before coming to an agreement to not mention anything about the horrible topic in front of him and act as if nothing happened , because they planned to keep an eye on him now when they never did before .

After all , the doctor managed to open their eyes and remind them indirectly of how much they failed as jungkook's family and older brothers .

A/n : I purple you all ;) and don't forget to vote babies ❤

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