chapter 8

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Jin POV :
On my way back to my room I decided to climb the stairs slowly so jungkook wouldn't notice my presence but I think that I was really painfully slow because all of a sudden I heard the sound of steps coming closer to my location so I hurriedly flew up the stairs and hid behind the long dark curtains of the window as I tried to calm my breathing , this is the second time I hide today ,
"oh my god I feel like a stalker" I thought , but nonetheless I decided once again to peek through the gap of the curtain and surprisingly I found jungkook standing in front of the door of the room that belongs to me and suga . I wondered why his next move was going to be but to my dismay he just whispered a small sorry and left to go back to his room .

The sight of him looking so fragile like that squeezed my heart because jungkook is the type of person who doesn't want to degrade himself or show his weaknesses, so he would never say sorry first even if he was wrong .

After spacing out for two minutes straight I went back to my room to sleep until we had to practice at 7:00 am .

Jungkook POV :
I laid on my bed trying to sleep , but nothing seemed to help me relax , I was still tense and my mind couldn't stop replaying the events of today .
Gosh I'm so complicated , but then suddenly I found myself thinking if I should eat breakfast with them and act as if nothing happened or get ready for practice and act like I woke up late and eat an apple , and just like that without noticing sleep consumed me and I had a dreamless sleep .

I woke up to the sound of my alarm ringing as I groaned in bed and kept on shifting back and forth after i urged myself to stop the loud music from playing , I looked at my phone and it read 6:00 am , I sighed and rolled my eyes in annoyance , it feels like I didn't sleep at all and jin is probably preparing breakfast , ugh I can't take an apple without him seeing me , this was really a huge problem , my stomach is so empty that I feel like its eating itself .
I then tried to sit up to change to comfy sports wear but I just ended up toppling to the floor from the sudden leg pain that surged through my body , "this isn't okay"I thought .
I really always go hard on myself and regret it and I know for sure that being the lead dancer is gonna make it worse but I gotta act like it's nothing so I wouldn't be a burden .
I already messed up enough so I don't want any of my hyungs paying attention to me or focusing on me . Eventually ,I forced myself off of the floor with a little limp and wore a long sleeved black shirt with black sweatpants and sneakers,
I then ruffled my hair to make it look decent . When I looked in the mirror I felt really depressed ,everything was black , wow really , "I outdid myself this time" . I mentally slapped myself.

I sat on my bed as I took my airpods and started listening to calming music waiting for 6:45am to be able to go out of my room and go practice.
I know that by now all of them are having a blast , eating pancakes while I'm here with my grumbling stomach rethinking  my life choices, for example I am now thinking so hard about a way to get an apple without all of them noticing me so I don't make the atmosphere awkward .

Bts POV :
We are now all eating the amazing pancakes made by jin while we argued back and forth about how jungkook is being irresponsible for not waking up yet , but we knew that he would wake up soon so we let him be and as a punishment we agreed that we won't leave him any .

We all knew that his love for jin's food is so strong so this was a lesson .
When we were done we cleaned up our plates and helped jin and then went to get our bags from our rooms and waited for the driver to come pick us up .

Jungkook POV :
when I decided to stop listening to music I heard footsteps pass by my room so I took it as a sign to get up from my bed , I then took my bag and rushed down the stairs , picked up an apple stealthily to prevent practicing with an empty stomach , but I knew deep down that it wouldn't change a thing because my body is really exhausted and weak .
If I practice for 11hours , I'm sure there's no way I could avoid collapsing , but it's not like I care that much so it's okay .

I waited for all of them to come while I sat on the sofa scrolling through my phone reading the lovely texts of some armys to distract myself ,and by the time the rest of the members came down the stairs I heard a beep from outside , so we all rushed to the van waiting for us without any words shared as we drove to the dance studio , and I prepared myself mentally for the things waiting for me as I ate my apple staring at the moving cars from my window .

A/n : hii guys this is really a late update but I'm truly sorry , holidays are over and school just started so I hope you don't get mad at me and always wait for my updates and support me , I love you guys and your comments mean a lot to me , and I'm also sorry if this was short but this story is still long don't worry :)

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