chapter 10

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A/N : life has been tough lately and the last thing I could think of  is posting on wattpad but thinking about you guys supporting me had me all up in my feels , so here is an unexpected gift for y'all 💞.

Jungkook POV :
Before I could drown deeper in my sorrow , a loud voice that belonged to no other than jimin boomed in the studio,making me snap out of my trance.

My face contorted to hold a pained facial expression , while I looked up at them with unblinking large doe eyes that held unshed tears that almost begged for them to have mercy on me and forgive me , but that didn't seem to work judging from their tensed figures , and unfazed stature .

I felt alone in the stuffy dance studio , only with the other members that surrounded me as if numerous scary shadows were trying to hunt me , the atmosphere was heavy as my gut twisted and churned , and a lump formed in my throat minimizing my access for air as I almost coughed violently, I felt scared and vulnerable as they pierced me with angered eyes that held annoyance and disgust.
Jimin's jaw was clenching and unclenching as he fisted my collar and tightened his hold on me , almost growling as he said , venom dripping from his tone :

_" Jungkook,what the fuck have you just done?huh you're fucking messing everything up , I mean how the fuck can you be so careless and dumb at the same time , you're the center aren't you ? Then how the fuck could you mess up the same
Choreography twice ? Do you think you deserve your position as a center ? No you don't Jungkook , it's just because of the lines that you get , and don't get me started at how disrespectful you were being yesterday to the hyungs that practically raised you !".

_"what happened to you Jungkook that's got you acting so differently ?, do we have to knock some sense into you or what , I want to go home and rest but because of your selfish and careless ways, we all have to suffer with you , you're being such a nuisance and you're acting like such an insensitive bitch ! "
Jhope retorted , fuming at the youngest's behavior .

Listening to them ranting about me felt like a slow painful torture , my mind didn't seem to register the fact that the closest people to me , my brothers were saying such horrible things to me .

"did I really mess up that badly ?" . I questioned myself .
I was reaching a breaking point and I wanted all of this to stop , I tried blocking their voices but I couldn't , I felt enmeshed in some kind of nightmare that I couldn't escape from .

I for sure felt guilty , and at this point I forgot my exhausted state as my focus was only  directed to the constant nagging of my disappointed and irritated members .

The moment I was lowered to the ground again , I lowered my head , avoiding any possible eye contact with any of them , I felt so sick of everything and wanted to just break down right then and there yet again .
I raised my head deciding otherwise as I masked my emotions , holding to the small shattered pieces of my ego ,not wanting to give them the satisfaction of making me feel worthless again , so I carried on as if nothing happened and said in a monotone voice : "should we carry on ?".

A/n : I'm sorry again this is kind of a short chapter , it's rushed cause I have school tomorrow and this is the best I could do so I hope that my beautiful readers would be happy with this surprise , love you all and I'm really thankful for all of your encouraging messages 💕💕

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