chapter 1

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Jungkook Pov :

I am currently in the kitchen arguing with jin because I somehow managed to read his precious diary but what could I do, it was only for revenge but he didn't understand.

Flashback :

I was in the living room thinking that I was alone, writing in my diary about my life and all the secrets I hid from the members. And I of course didn't want any one of them finding out about my deepest darkest secrets and the lies I told about myself to avoid being pitied.

This was just one of those normal days when a sudden wave of sadness falls upon you, so I had to write down the depressing thoughts that consumed my mind at that moment in this tiny book that I grew accustomed to calling my friend.
I was still deeply immersed in filling my diary when a small sneeze caught me off guard, it came from behind me so I quickly turned around at the speed of light almost getting whiplash feeling alerted at the thought of having someone discover what I've been trying to hide for so long, I felt extremely exposed and I stilled in fear only to find out to my surprise that jin hyung was the culprit.
At that realization I jumped to my feet feeling sweat trickling down my forehead from nervousness and as an instinct I closed my diary and brought it to my chest to protect it but to my dismay, he just shrugged like he didn't just invade my privacy and got me shivering in fear like a damsel in distress two seconds ago.

Jin: "kook, what are you hiding in there huh, I just happened to pass by, and finding you so focused triggered my curiosity, I thought you were reading a book but turns out you're writing, wait is that ur diary ?".

Jk: " hmm, y-yeah! I stammered in a squeaky tone, mentally smacking myself for sounding pathetic, but trying to keep my cool nonetheless. "

Jin: " oh is there something of importance in there that you're hiding from me ? Am I not your favorite hyung ?".
Oh if only you knew I thought to myself.

Jk: " hyung it's not like that... it's called a diary for a reason, must I remind you. I'm sure you also own one, and I'd like to think that the thought of me rummaging through your stuff and reading it wouldn't quite exactly please you, right hyung ? ". I tilted my head to the side feigning innocence.

I saw his eyes widen in surprise but that soon morphed into a smile when he said: "threatening me now are you kook ? How brazen of you, but mark my words, darling, you will never find it ".

Jk: " yeah yeah whatever Hyung, I know that you did get a glimpse of something though, but I'm sure you didn't understand anything, you didn't read it from the beginning after all, but I'll make sure to avenge myself Hyung just so you wait because that was inappropriate and disrespectful jin Hyung ".

Jin: "I'd love to watch you try honestly." He chuckled then left.

Back to the present :

And That's how the conflicts commenced piling up one after another because jin didn't think I was serious about avenging myself and took me lightly. But the thought of having my privacy invaded, and having jin treat the matter very poorly pushed me to fend for myself in hopes of not having such a thing happen to me again, I want him to respect me and treat me like a grown-up and if he doesn't I'll make him do it no matter what it takes.

Since I am good at finding hidden things and knowing jin a little more than the others do, it was an easy task. So when he chased me to the kitchen to take his diary back and give me a piece of his mind and probably even lecture me, I didn't feel that scared but that wasn't what happened. It was kinda unexpected and only the thought of it makes my stomach churn.
I was greeted by an unfamiliar jin and issues just escalated from there.

A/n :

this is the first chapter and I kinda hope you like it and support me.
I'm just gonna keep updating cause I already planned what's gonna happen next.
I wonder how many votes I can get 😖 . Have a lovely day everyone.

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