Chapter 10~brake in?

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when I opened the door it was not Jay

It was Felix and Noah

"why are you here'' I look at them

"we brought you your things"  I snatched them away and tried to close the door but Felix managed to stop me from doing it

"wait, we want to talk to you" Felix says and Noah whispers in his ear 'was she crying?'

I decided to ignore Noah's comment so I quickly answered "to bad cuz I don't"

"can you at least tell us why is Grey so mad did something happened?" Noah asks I straightened in my shoulders and look him into eyes and I calmly say

"listen... I don't know why Grey is mad nor do I care so please from now on do not disturb me"

''why were you crying or who made you cry" Noah asks and Felix is staring at me waiting for me to answer

"I don't think this is any of your business" I say

"what do you mean, we're friends" Noah says

"just so you know, ignoring a friend past few weeks isn't very friendly thing to do Noah" I give him a fake smile and next thing I know, ben behind them

Ben is 6,4 little taller than Noah and Felix

"excuse me" ben says and they both look at him

"oh ben you're here" I say to ben then look at boys and say "sorry guys I got to go my friend is there"

"who are they" ben asks

"no one just my classmates" I say loud enough for them to hear me

We walk out of the school and I see greys car parked exactly beside bens. Grey started to stare at me but I didn't even bother to look at him

"where's Mia" I ask ben

"she didn't tell you" he asks and I shake my head 'no'

"her fathers called her and she went to him, he had something to tell her" damn he wanted to meet face to face I guess it's something important he has to tell her

Hold on the way ban said 'her father' and not 'our father' it means they had argument but I won't ask him any questions about it, he hates it

"oh okay I'll be staying at my house tonight then but you can stay with me if you want to" I offered him not because I wanted to be nice and polite because I don't want to stay home alone

"Sorry, I can't today, I'm going to see my friends" he answered

"ugh okay" I went inside the car and after few seconds I see Noah and Felix going up to grey

Why the fuck do I care what they do

The whole time we were in the car we didn't talk but when he parked car close to my house and I was about to get out of the car ben spoke

"hey even though your eyes aren't red they still are puffy so if you wanna talk about it you know you can right?" I give him a smile

"don't worry it's nothing really" he nods and I get out of the car

When I went inside the house it was so quiet, I went to my room and tears started to drop I started to remember old times when parents used to yell at each other and then me


It is now two a.m. and I can't sleep

Well maybe because you have lights on all over the house in every room

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