chapter 38 ~ thanksgiving

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I'm getting ready for thanksgiving dinner, when I say that I don't mean makeup and hair

The clothe is the big deal here

They never like what I wear and they always judge me

I put on a mom jeans and few tight layers of white and dark red shirts

It's giving Elena gilbert

But it's okay we love her

After I was done checking out myself in the mirror I locked the house door and started to drive

God I'm gonna see my aunts there

And that bitch of a cousin



Half an hour later I was at my grandma's house, oh and I don't think I mentioned I bought her flowers on my way here

I didn't bring anything since I 'can't' cook,

Which is bullshit, I can, I just hate it

I sigh and stated to knock on the door, few seconds later someone opens the door and it was


"Isabella?" she looks at me like I have gown five heads

"hi aunty jenny" didn't she knew I would come

"hello" she opens the door fully and I enter the house

God it smells like depression in here

"Isaaa you came" my sister jumps on me

"of course I did" I kiss her on a cheek

After seen and greeting everyone except one person we sat down to eat

"Isabella, I don't think you said hi to your dear cousin" jenny says

"yea he didn't say hi to me ether so if he wants to greet me I'm here" I give her a fake smile

"okay, lets say what we are all thankful for this year" my grandmother said

I really don't wanna do this but after few minutes later it as my turn and there is no way out of this

"I am thankful for the friends that I have made this year, the same friends who make even streets feel like home" that's all I'm thankful for

"that's it" Ashly questions

"yes it is"

"what about family"

"which one, one who has not returned home past 4 month" I question her and she goes quiet

"okay, okay let's eat now please" my grandma says

We started to eat, my sister was sitting next to me and I was helping her with knife parts, I don't want her to accidently cut herself

I really wanna go home but I know if I didn't came here grandma would have thought that mom told me not to come here, it's no secret that my aunts don't like my mom, that's the same reason why they don't like me

They sometimes forget that I'm also their brother's child

"Isabella" jenny suddenly says


"I think you should say what your thankful for one more time but this time say family, well at least you should mean this family" she looks around at the family members

"no thank you" I smile

"well I don't think your friends are the ones who you are letting you sit here because I'm not the person at the end of the table who eats for free, am I" Jennifer questions

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