chapter 30~date

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It's Sunday, Jay already texted me yesterday that he will pick me up at 5, it's now 4pm so I have about an hour to get ready

I take a seat at my desk, the same desk I do my homework's at, I don't have a makeup desk like others, I don't need it and think its overrated, it's just a desk but pretty one


I first apply blush all over my cheeks and nose than concealer, after that I started to curl my eyelashes with eyelash curler and....

That's it actually, I'm not gonna wear a mascara

Oh right I forgot about cherry chapstick, it gives lips little pink color

Now it's time for clothe, Mia already picked some clothe what should wear but I'm definitely not gonna wear a damn dress

Or will I

It's my first date in years so guess will wear it but not the one that Mia picked up for me

I started to look around the close and somewhere far away from my everyday clothes I found long black-silk skirt with split and on top on that I will wear light brown V-neck Sweater.

He picked me up at 5 and he drove me at some cafe that I have never been before

It's weird place not in a bad way, it low key looks like café and a restaurant combined but I like the vibes here

"I like this place" decided to break the silence

"I'm glad you do, I didn't really know where to go café or restaurant and this place looks like both so" he slightly smiles, raises is eyebrows and adds "I think it's a great deal"

"you look beautiful" Jay says

"thank you" I smile

"so do you know what you wanna order" he asks and I shake my head 'no'

"no I don't, what about you"

"I am gonna have a steak with mashed potatoes" he answers

I'm still looking at the menu and see what I want to order

"oh I know what I want, pasta with shrimps"

"Good choice" he smiles,

"hi are you ready to order" the waiter asks

After we gave him our orders we started to talk about random things

"what bout you what kind of music do like" he asks

"It really depends on my mood"

"oh really"

"yea I could listen to chase Atlantic or arctic monkeys but in few minutes if my mood changes I can listen to mitsk or Neighbourhood"

"mitski? I think have heard about her she's so... depressing"


Okay its ether I lignore this comment or will throw the first thing that my hand will reach

"she's not, her songs are really good if you as me" I fake smile

"here is your order" the waiter places out orders on the table and then walks away

"food looks good" he says as he started to cut throw his steak and his face changes into an unsatisfied expression

"Is everything okay" I ask but I think he didn't answer or he just ignored me

"WAITER" he shouts

The waiters that delivered our food came and asked if anything was wrong with the food

"yes there is something wrong with it" he says raising his voice

"I ordered my steak medium and got medium rare" he's practically yelling at this point

What is wrong with him

Medium and medium rare are almost same thing and what does waiter can do about it, it's not like he made it, he's just delivering

"I am sorry sir, I will ask the cook to make you another one" he says as he take the plate and walks away

"is everything okay" he asks


"you just look unpleased" I wonder why

"no, I'm good" smile as I stared to eat my pasta

few minutes later his steak was ready "took you too long" he murmured as he started to cut is steak and said "now this is medium" he started to lough to make situation less awkward and serious?

After we finished eating he paid and DIDN'T LEFT THE TIP

He said that they didn't deserved it because the service was bad, so when we walked out I told him that I left my phone there, I went there left that tip and walked out

He's acting really different than usual, maybe he's nervous or maybe I just don't know the real him.

"I was thinking, wanna go watch a movie?" He asks and I nod, he went to buy the tickets and after few minutes he came back

"On what film did you bought the tickets " I ask

"Let it be a surprise" have I ever told him that I don't like surprises

We took our seats and as soon as I saw louisa clark in that outfit I knew what movie that was

It's called 'me before you'

I know that movie and have watched it beforehand but it was long time ago.


"I mean if she loves him then yes" we started to argue about the movie

"What! No, it's not about 'if she loves him she would have killed herself ' it's about ' if HE loved her he wouldn't kill himself ' and it's specialy selfish to ask someone to kill themselves when you see how they truly enjoys life" he doesn't says anything after what I said and was just shaking his head in disagreement.

He opens the door car door for me and I sit down.

I really hope it's the end of the date and he's gonna drop me off at home but when he take seat he asks

"Is there anything else you wanna do"

"Actually no, it's pretty late and I'm really tired" I answered

"Tired from what" he questions, hmmm maybe tired to avoid your unnecessary touchings while watching the movie

Of course I get it why he choose romantic movie but I'm not fan of romance movies and he was constantly trying to put his arm around my shoulder or hold my hand

I don't know maybe dating just isn't my thing

"It was just a long day and I usually don't talk this much so" I slightly fake laugh and so does he.

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