Chapter 26~my ex

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my nose was overwhelmed with some familiar scent which was the most comforting scent I have sensed in a while

When I finally decided to open my eyes which felt heavier than usual, the first thing I see is Grey's arms wrapped around my waist and his face on my stomach

I tried to free myself from him but his grip become tighter but at the same time I don't want to wake him up and have awkward conversation about why is he sleeping in my bed with me

After few minutes later I was able to release myself from his grip without waking him up.

I went to the bathroom to take my makeup off but when I looked in the mirror it was already off, no smudgy mascara no messed up lipstick did I took it off yesterday and forgot about it? I don't remember

I actually don't remember anything after the second we entered the party.

I washed my face, brush my teeth and went downstairs to kitchen, I decided make something before Grey wakes up but when I looked in the fringe there was literally nothing so I sat down and started to think should I order something or should I go buy some stuff really quick but I don't have any grocery store near me

"Bella" Grey calls me in his soft tone

I look at him and say "oh you woke up"

"yea" he starts to walk up to me and when he's close enough he gently takes my chin and makes me look at him

"your eyes are still puffy, do you remember what happened yesterday" he asks and I shake my head 'no'

"no, I don't, what happened" I wonder if I cried in front of him

He shakes his head and says "it's okay, nothing bad happened, you just had a couple of extra drinks"

"anyway let me make you breakfast you must me hungry"

"well about that-" I was about to say that I had nothing in my fringe but he opened it and witnessed it himself

He looked at me and said "I think it's time to grocery shop" I nod

"let me get changed really quick and we can go"

"take your time Bella" I quickly go upstairs and changed into tight white t-shirt with long sleeves and High Waisted Mom Jeans.

After locking the door, we now are in gray's car

"we should hurry up with shopping I think it's gonna rain soon" I look out of the window and Grey was right it probably will rain

following minutes were silent but then my curiosity got best of me and I spoke

"I noticed I didn't had makeup on and wondered-" he didn't let me finish my sentence and said

"yea I took it off when you fell asleep"

"Oh thank you"

"and can you help me remember what happened yesterday" I add

"sure but let's do that when we get home"

he than parked the car, we entered the shop and started to go through isles, we don't have list of what we need so I think we will be here for a while.

I notice that since we entered the shop Grey has been non stop looking at his phone

"is everything okay" I question

"yea why"

"you been on your phone for a while so I thought something was wrong"

"no no I was just looking at list of what we need"

"what list" I ask

"I made list of what we need while you were changing" 

"oh you did?" he nods


after an hour we almost are done, I just need one last thing, pickles

Which I can't reach

"need help" Grey asks and I nod, he takes pickles from the top shelf and places it the shopping cart

I remember something like this happening when we first meet

even though I incest on paying, He quickly swiped his card and payed so there was no point in arguing why he did it so I just let it slide.

When we finally got home I started to make coffee and Grey started to heat up the pan to make us some breakfast


"hey are you okay" Grey asks

"yea I'm fine" I don't know what's wrong with me today "I just- I don't remember much of it, I mean what happened yesterday and also don't remember reason why I cried"

"well yesterday Like I mentioned earlier you had few extra drinks so you were really wasted"

"okay I get that but what about crying part"

"I don't know when I asked you, you mentioned someone name Alex that you thought you forgot about him and that it's not fair" and the second he mentioned name Alex I froze

"did I say anything about him" I question

"no you didn't" thank god "but who is he anyway"

"he's- he is my ex" I haven't talked about him in years but even in times when I don't talk, I still think about him, my heart physically aches

Not only about him but also about her

"I don't really wanna talk about him" I look at him and I feel my eyes are glossy

"it's okay you don't have to."

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