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Lauren's POV:

As soon as Dinah pushed the English door open we quickly sat at the back before anyone else could.

"Are we here early?" Ally questioned as we all realized only have the class was present.

"We must be! Even the teacher hasn't arrived!" Dinah chuckled.

"Look, there are more kids coming in now." I pointed towards the door as the loud group of teenagers took their seats.

I began to get out my stationary, unaware that the teacher had arrived and was writing her name on the board.

"Hey, look, Miss is here!" Normani whispered excitedly as I peered up and saw the young woman facing the board.

"Dat ass doe!" A boy two seats from me whispered to his mates. There were also a few boys whistling too. I mean, I can't exactly blame them, if I were a guy I'd do the same.

"Stop it Lauren!" I cussed to myself.

"Stop what?" Dinah whispered.

"I'm just having a moment." I faked a smile back as Dinah nodded and faced the front.

"Miss Jauregui, Miss Hansen, something you'd like to share with the class?" the teacher questioned as she glared directly at us. How did she know our names?

Oh. My. God. It can't be! She's the girl I bumped into earlier! She's the girl who I have strange feelings for! Wait what?

"No Miss." Dinah smiled.

"THAT'S Miss Cabello?" I whispered to Mani as she nodded.

"Told you she was pretty." Mani mumbled as we paid attention to Miss Cabello.
Half way through the lesson I felt something on the back of my chair. I looked down towards the floor and saw Harry, the boy behind me, kicking the legs of my chair.

"Hey, do you mind?" I whispered as I swivelled in my chair so I could face him.

"Mind what?" He said smugly.

"Kicking my chair! Can you stop please?" I asked calmly.

"Okay." He said simply as I turned back around.

A minute later the kicking started again.

"I thought I told you to stop!" I began to raise my voice a little.

"Shut up slut!" Harry smirked.

"What did you just say?" I growled at him.

"I know you love to sleep around with any guy that walks your way but you're out of my league babe." Harry giggled to himself as I rose from my chair and walked around to his as I gripped his shirt and pulled him up as I knuckles made contact with his jaw as he stumbled back and fell to the ground, clutching his jaw with the palm of his hand.

"DON'T YOU EVER SAY THAT AGAIN, YOU HEAR ME, YOU LITTLE PRICK?!" I screamed in his face as I felt Dinah's arms pulling me back.

"Lauren! What are you doing?" Miss Cabello yelled as she stormed over to me.

"THAT LITTLE DICKHEAD DESERVED IT!" I yelled back in her face.

"GET OUT!" Miss screamed as I forcefully pushed her with my shoulder as I headed towards the door.

"LAUREN! THIS BEHAVIOR WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!" Miss bellowed as she made her way towards me.


"Calm down!" She spoke more smoothly.

"I-I need to get out of here." I panicked as I pulled the door open and collapsed into the hallway.

Dinah's POV:

"Oh my God! What's happening?" Miss Cabello panicked as I ran up to her.

"Miss, it's okay, she collapses all the time." I tried to calm her which worried her even more.

"W-what? This is a regular thing?" She asked as I nodded.

"I'm afraid so." I sighed.

"Why? That's wrong with her?" Miss asked clearly concerned.

"I don't want to say because it's Lauren's business but I will say that she has a lot wrong with her so if she acts out like that, it's the illness that's doing it, not her." I smiled at her.

"She seemed fine when I spoke to her at lunch." Miss Cabello mumbled.

"Wait, what? You spoke to Lauren at lunch? When?" I questioned.

"Um, before lunch. She ran into me and knocked my papers out of my hands and then she helped me pick them up." Miss smiled.

"So you were who she was talking about!" I said, proud that I'd figured it out.

"What was she saying about me?" She questioned worryingly.

"She said she was late to lunch because she was with someone but she didn't know their name. Now I know that you were who she was talking about." I smiled at her as she blushed.

"She's awake!" Ally called as we all ran to her to see a stirring Lauren lay helplessly on the floor.

"Everyone sit back down!" Miss called out as everyone except me, Miss and the girls sat back into their seats.

"W-what happened?" Lauren mumbled confused.

"You blacked out again, Lo." I sighed as I carried her off the floor.

"Miss, can I go and take Lauren to the Principal so she can explain what happened with douche boy?" I asked with Lauren clinging onto me like her life depended on it.

"Sure, but shouldn't she go and see the nurse? And his name is Harry." Miss Cabello tried to say seriously but began to laugh. "Go on!"

"No, she'll be fine! Thanks Miss." I smiled as I dragged Lauren down the hall.

"So Miss Cabello was the reason to why you were late for lunch?" I questioned as Lauren's head shot up.

"H-how do you know that?" Lauren panicked.

"She told me, why are you acting so weird?" I asked curiously.

"I-I just collapsed, I'm not gonna be over the moon am I?" Lauren snapped.

"Whatever." I mumbled as I could tell she was lying and that there was more to what happened before lunch today, I'll just have to figure it out....somehow.

"I'm telling you the truth DJ!" Lauren began to get worked up again.

"Sshh, take it easy LoLo, I don't want you fainting on me!" I giggled as we reached the Principal's office.


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