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A/N: So sorry I haven't updated in like a century but I'm back and determined to finish this fanfic! I'm not sure exactly when I'll post but it will most likely be weekly if possible :) A lot has changed since I started writing this book. I now have many exams and a beautiful girlfriend of 10 months :)xx


Lauren's POV:

It was getting harder and harder each day.

I had to act like everything was fine with Matt, I still had to sneak off to see Camila, I had to keep lying to my mom; I hate it all. I didn't really know what to do anymore.

"Lauren, wait up!" Ally called from behind me. I turned around and smiled at her. "I was told by Mr Keegan to go and collect some paper work from the printer for his next class when I saw Matt..." She panted breathlessly as she spoke all that at one.

"What did you see?" I asked wanting her to continue.

"I saw him with this girl, she's in the grade below. I don't know her name but he was making out with her. I'm sorry Lo." Ally said sadly.

When I processed this in my head a great idea sprung to mind. "Oh my god, that's it!" I exclaimed with a smile.

"Huh?" Ally answered confused.

"Ally I'm so glad you witnessed this!" Ally still remained confused so I continued, "Think about it, if I confront him about it and make a big scene, the school will know he's a cheat and I can also use this as the perfect excuse to break up with him so I can be with Camila!"

"Oh my god Lauren, you're right!" Ally replied with a smile on her face now also.

"Meet me at lunch with Mani and Dinah and we will do it then!" Ally said whilst disappearing into the now crowded hallway. 


"Hey baby girl." Matt whispered from behind me as he tried hugging my waist.

"Hey cheater." I said very loudly as I removed myself from his grip. I looked around and all the students who were surrounding us now were all facing my direction.

"Wait, what?" Matt spoke from behind me.

"You heard me. I know what you've been getting up to behind my back." I spat. "Was she a better kisser than me? Is it because I didn't sleep with you?" there were many gasps and whispers from students now filling the air. Matt's face became darker and darker as he was starting to panic. "Anything you want to say?"

"Pfft, she's obviously lying!" Matt laughed trying to convince everyone.

"She's not, I saw it with my own eyes." a little voice came from the right. We all turned our heads to the direction of where the noise had came from; Ally. Dinah and Mani looked shocked Ally actually spoke and stood up for me considering she's usually quiet and innocent.

"Lauren please don't do this, I thought we were doing good!" Matt begged.

"That good that you cheated on me?" I scoffed as I walked over to him. "Oh and by the way, you're so dumped." I laughed whilst walking away, letting all the students still present throw abuse at him.

On my way out of the crowd I bumped into Camila.

"Oh I guess you saw it all?" I asked timidly.

"Yes Lauren I did, I'm so proud of you." Camila smiled which was highly contagious.

"Come on, it's still lunch. Can we go for a walk?" I ask as Camila nods.

Camila offered we go in her car as we were going to go to the closest forest to the school. The drive was only 5 minutes so we just listened to the radio until we got there.

I jumped out the car and so did Camila. We slowly started walking letting the fresh air hit our faces. It was completely silent for a few minutes before I spoke up.

"Camila? Would you mind if I had a smoke?" I could tell she wasn't overly pleased but nodded anyway. I lit my cigarette and inhaled deeply and slowly breathed out watching the smoke disappear into the distance.

After walking for a while we found a log to sit on.


"Yeah Camz?"

"So now that you've broke up with Matt, where does that leave us?" Camila mumbled looking away shyly.

"What do you want us to be?"

"I don't know." Camila smiled, "I just know that I don't want to lose you."

"And I don't want to lose you either." I breathed out as I peered down at her plump lips that were slightly parted. "I really want to kiss you right now."

"What's stopping y-" before Camila could finish her sentence I crashed my lips onto hers. I've missed her lips so much.

"We better get going before someone sees us." Camila whispers against my lips. We both stand up and dust ourselves off before heading back to her car.

Little did they both know, someone had already saw them and witnessed the whole thing...

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