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Lauren's POV:

I woke up this morning unaware of my surroundings. As soon as I eyes opened, they were met with chocolate brown ones. I'm dreaming, right? Camila was not next to me! I do have a pretty bad headache due to my hangover so maybe I'm just seeing things.

"Camila? Are you real? Where am I? What happened?" I panicked, peering around the room before looking back into her brown orbs.

"Of course I'm real!" Camila chuckled. "You're in my house, in my room...in my bed." She smirked. "What happened was, you got smashed basically and I found you drunk as fuck sat near dangerous traffic so I brought you home."

"I'm so sorry! And if I said or did anything last night, I didn't mean it!" I quickly defended, knowing I do have a short temper when I drink.

"Yeah, you said some things but I understand, it's all good." She smiled down at me.

"Umm, Camila?" I asked shyly up at her.

"Yes, Lauren." She smiled.

"Do you have a toothbrush I could use?" I mumbled, avoiding her gaze.

"Aw! That, I think, is one of the cutest things I've ever heard!" Camila cooed as I began blushing. "I have a spare toothbrush, it's next to mine, it's red."

"Thanks." I smiled appreciatively before hopping off the bed and heading to Camila's restroom connected to her bedroom.

As I began brushing my teeth I heard Camila talking to someone in her room.

"Yes Dinah, she's fine!" Camila moaned down the phone. "She looks rough but she's gone to freshen up."

"Dinah! I did not kiss her! Why would I do that? She was vulnerable and she has a boyfriend now!" Camila mumbled down the phone. Camila likes me? At first, I thought I was just imagining things but now, what I just heard made me question everything.

"Hey, you okay?" Camila smiled at me as I re-entered her bedroom.

"Hey, we need to get dressed, school is in twenty minutes." I sighed and she frowned.


"Hey babe!" Matt smiled, placing a kiss on my cheek as he met me at my locker.

"Hey, ready to go to class?" I smiled back at him.

"What do we have?" Matt asked grumpily. Matt hates school, even more than I do, so that's saying something!

"English." I grinned, butterflies already erupting in my stomach. Ever since Matt and I became official, Matt had asked the principle of our school if he could be in every lesson with me. And, of course, because of my illnesses, the principle agreed, thinking I needed a person looking out for me. But, I didn't.

"Ooh good, I find that teacher so hot! I'd definitely fuck her if I had the chance." He licked his lips as I felt absolutely disgusted by his behavior and also annoyed and jealous. She's mine.

"Like you'd get her!" I scoffed, trying to play it cool, when in fact, on the inside, I was dying to cut his dick off.

"Why wouldn't I? She's hot, I'm hot..." He trailed off.

"I thought you liked me?" I mumbled.

"I do, I do babe. I'm just saying, I could get her easily if I wanted to." Matt smirked pervertedly. I hate when he's like this! It's like he's got to keep us this stupid fuckboy act because he doesn't want to ruin his reputation! Yesterday, on our date, he was the kindest he's ever been to me and now he's at his worst.

"Trying to say I'm some sort of whore?" A voice came from behind us which made me smile.

"N-no, Miss. Quite the opposite." Matt smirked, eyeing her up and down.

"You know, you're no good for Lauren. You're a disgusting, disrespectful little boy who needs to start respecting girls if you ever want to get one!" Camila growled in his face, shocking us all.

"I do have one; Lauren." Matt smiled as I faked one at him which didn't go unnoticed by Camila.

"Yeah, well, I was the one who woke up next to her this morning, so." Camila smirked before her face immediately dropped after realizing what she had just said. "Fuck." She whispered as I looked at a shocked Matt.

"You slept with your teacher? You slept with a girl? You cheated on me...on our date?" Matt asked, hurt in his eyes.

"No, she's lying! I stayed at Dinah's last night!" I quickly spat out, looking apologetically at Camila as she just stormed away from us.

"Dirty dyke!" Matt snarled. "She's just trying to get into my girlfriend's pants!" He scoffed.

"Come on, we have class." I mumbled, grabbing his greasy hand.

Once we entered her classroom, Camila glared down at our intertwined hands and her face began to redden with rage, but she kept quiet and professional which I was grateful for.

"Take a seat." She mumbled under her breath, glancing down at her desk.

Matt and I made our way to the back of Miss Cabello's classroom and took a seat.

I began pulling out my notes when I felt Matt's hand on my inner thigh.

"Matt, stop it!" I whispered but that only made him move his hand further up.

"I mean it!" I growled at him but he still didn't listen.

His hand soon made his way to my jean covered sensitive area, putting some pressure on it with his fist.

"Fuck." I moaned a little too loudly as all eyes were on me...including Camila's.

Camila's eyes trailed down, under our table and saw Matt's hand, her eyes widening. Camila stormed over to us and gave Matt a death glare before turning her attention to me.

"Lauren a word." She ordered firmly as I quickly jumped out of my seat and followed her outside the classroom.

"What the hell?" She yelled with so much pain, it hurt.

"I know, I'm so sorry! I kept telling him to stop but he wouldn't listen, I'm scared of him Camila. I'm worried that if I say no to anything, he'll hurt me." I whispered as tears start streaming down my face.

"Oh my god, Lauren! Just end it! It keeps getting worse!" Miss said calmly.

"I can't, I have to stay with him." I said quickly as Camila looked hurt. "I'm also sorry for lying to him earlier about staying at Dinah's and making you out to be the liar when in fact, it was me."

"So, it's okay for him to scare you, to disrespect everyone, to disrespect me?" Camila snapped.

"No! I just..."

"You just what?" She yelled.

"Need the drugs." I admitted, finally admitting the truth. I told Dinah I was only taking the drugs to impress him, when in fact, I now needed those drugs more than anything. I'm using Matt, which I don't feel the slightest bit guilty for! I know he doesn't really like me either. He's probably had his dick in thirty girls over night!

"Wow, Lauren!" Camila clapped sarcastically. "You really do need help." She scoffed before storming back into the classroom.

A/N: ... :|

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