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Lauren's POV:

Why the hell were Camila and Dinah talking to each other? This wasn't even the first time something like this has happened! Why doesn't Camila just come and ask me questions straight up instead of always my friends? The only reason I can think of is maybe she's scared of how I'll react? I know she's scared of me, even though she'll never admit it. I may be paranoid, but I know something is definitely going on! Why was Dinah even talking to her teacher about my tattoos anyway? That actually really worries me, wondering what Dinah is telling Camila about me and why is she even telling her things about me, more to the point! God knows what she's told her!

"Hey, you okay?" Normani questioned, looking weirdly at me.

"I feel like Dinah and Miss Cabello are hiding things from me. They keep having private chats about me, Mani." I started to panic as my heartbeat increased.

"Laur, it'll be nothing bad, honestly. Dinah is your best friend and Miss Cabello, well...you are by FAR her favorite student!" Mani winked. Ugh, why does everyone do that? Act like we secretly like each other?!

"What is it with you and Dinah? Why do you both think me and Miss have feelings for one another? Ally knows our situation and she doesn't brag on about it all the time to me! You two need to keep your delusional minds low-key!" I warned her.

"Well, Ally is always with Troy anyway! And we are NOT delusional, Lauren. We see what anyone else would see; a blossoming relationship." Normani cooed.

"Well stop because I'm not gay and not attracted to Camila!" I growled.

"Wait? Camila? You know her first name? You're in deep shit, Jauregui! What else aren't you telling us?!" Shit, I've fucked up!

"Nothing, just leave it! I'm not gay so just drop it!" I ordered firmly.

"I don't believe that for a second!" Normani smirked.

I'll just have to prove her wrong then...by getting a boyfriend.


Camila's POV:

"Hi honey, I'm home!" Demi sang as she slammed our apartment door behind her, making me jump out of my skin!

"I was enjoying the peace until you arrived!" I groaned as she sat next to me on the couch.

"So how's this badass student of yours? Has she caused you anymore trouble?" Demi asked, worry evident in her eyes.

"I know this is bad of me but I kept one of her friends back and asked her some questions about Lauren..."

"What kind of questions?" Demi asked uneasily, shifting her body to directly face me.

"'Is she gay?' may have accidently slipped out..." I bowed my head in shame.

"KARLA YOU DIDN'T!" Demi screamed in shock. She used my first name, she must be mad! "Do you have any idea how serious this is getting! Not to mention that it's illegal! It's bad enough crushing on a student, but dragging her friends into this too is stepping over the boundaries! You're asking her to give out personal information about Lauren which you don't have permission to know! You'll be intimidating the poor girl Mila and she will be too scared to not answer you because you're her teacher! And then also going through Lauren's confidential files? Do you want to get fired?" I shook my head, tears forming in my eyes. "Good, because if this obsession of yours continues, you won't just lose your job, you'll lose all respect from everyone as well as everything you live for because you'll be locked up in a police cell! Is that what you want?" Again, I shook my head. Demi sighed and scooted over to my side, wrapping her arms around me as I cried against her chest. "I'm sorry I said all that but it needed to be said Mila." I just nodded in response. "Did you find out if Lauren was in fact gay?"

"No, Dinah said she doesn't even know. I don't think anyone does, if I'm honest. Lauren keeps herself to herself; she's not a very carefree person who opens up to people." I sigh sadly.

"Did you learn anything from Dinah about Lauren though?" Demi smiled as I returned it.

"I found out she's got a tattoo and that she's going to get a new one this week." I grinned at the memory.

"Wow Camila! What an achievement! You learned a life changing fact out about her!" Demi sarcastically giggled.

"I find it interesting..." I said in a daze.

"And you certainly find her interesting." Demi mumbled.

"You don't understand, Demz. She needs serious help...with everything." I sighed.

"Everything? Like even wiping her ass after having a shit?" Demi asked a little grossed out.

"Ew! No! Ew!" I cringed at Demi's vulgar language. "You should have seen her the other day. I knew she wouldn't hurt me, but she hurt herself, Demi. That hurt me more than she could ever physically hurt me. I hate seeing her hurt." I whimpered into Demi's shirt.

"I understand. I'm sorry." She said whilst stroking my hair.

"I need to protect her, no matter what the cost is. Whatever the cost, I'm one hundred percent willing to pay it..."

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