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Camila's POV:

UN: Your student.

As soon as I read that message my phone slipped out of my hands. Who could it be? It must be someone in my English class because that's the only class I teach at the moment. It also has to be a girl obviously...those boobs definitely belong to a girl

"Hey noodle!" Demi called as she entered my apartment.

"Demi! You scared the shit out of me! What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I'm moving in, my roommate has found a house and is moving. I'm alone and so are you so boom!" Demi cheered.

"Oh okay." I mumbled back.

"Hey, you okay? You seem a bit...down?" Demi questioned making her way over to me.

"The girl that sent that boob pic is in my English class..." I lowered my head.

"NO FUCKING WAY! WHO?" Demi squealed.

"That's the thing, I'm not sure...she didn't say." I whispered.

"How are you gonna find out?" Demi smirked.

"What are you implying?" I groaned.

"Well, whatever you do, don't tell any teachers or confront any students about it just...." Demi sniggered.

"Just what?" I replied getting agitated.

"Look at dem titties!" Demi cried with laughter.

"WHAT? You want me to ask them to strip and let me inspect their chest? It's school for fuck's sake not Orange Is The New Black!" I yelled.

"Since when do you watch Orange Is The New Black?!" Demi questioned seriously.

"That's not important! I don't want to be a pervert!" I whined.

"...Are you...gay?" Demi asked hesitantly.

"NO!" I protested.

"But you receive boob pics and watch Orange Is The New Black?" Demi sniggered again.

"The boob pic wasn't my fault!" I growled.

"Whatever! You have a thing for Ashley Benson though, don't you?" Demi smiled.


"I like her because she's hilarious not look wise...or lesbian wise!" Demi smirked.

"Ashley is hilarious in Pretty Little Liars!" I said proudly.

"Yeah, exactly! So you'd love Hanna Marin, her character, not the actress!" Demi giggled.

"Whatever! I'm straight end of!" I growled.

"Yeah, as straight as the boobs on the pic you got sent!" Demi laughed.

"Fuck off!"


Lauren's POV:

"Morning." Miss Cabello mumbled as she entered the classroom.

"What's up with her?" Dinah whispered to me as I shrugged.

"Don't know." I mumbled also.

"What's wrong with you too?!" Dinah questioned worried.

"I know who I sent the boob pic to." I sighed.

"OMG! WHO?" Dinah whispered excitedly.

"Erm..." I panicked as I looked directly at Miss.

"Please don't tell me it's Miss?!" Dinah screeched.

"It's Miss." I confirmed a bit too loudly.

"It's Miss what?" Miss Cabello asked as she walked over to us, getting everyone's attention.

"N-nothing." I stuttered.

"A word outside please Lauren." Miss sighed as I followed her out of the door.

"What were you two talking about?" Miss asked as she glared down at my chest.

"Are you asking me or my tits, Miss?" I smirked as Miss's head shot up.

"Sorry, it's just I need to find out something. And language young lady!" Miss sighed looking frustrated.

"Find out what?" I asked as I flipped my hair around the back, my bra and cleavage now exposed underneath my thin white blouse.

"Oh my god...it's you isn't it?" Camila gasped as she gawped at my breasts again.

"I'm what?" I asked obliviously.

"You're the boob pic sender!" Miss Cabello whispered shockingly.

"Don't know what you're talking about..." I said while panicking.

"Don't lie, Lauren. It's okay; I won't do anything with it or tell anyone." Miss comforted me.

"I'm so sorry." I swallowed back tears.

"Hey, don't cry. I just want to know why this picture was sent to me." Miss sighed.

"I got dared to send a topless picture to an unknown number, so I typed random numbers in and pressed send." I stuttered through tears.

"Well, let's just put this behind us now, eh?" Miss smiled.

"I'm just glad it was you, I mean like someone I know, instead of a sweaty old perverted man or a policeman!" I giggled as she did also.

"Well, I'm definitely not a policewoman or sweaty, a man, a pervert or old so I guess you are lucky there!" Miss giggled.

"How old are you anyway?"

"It's rude to ask a woman their age, especially your teacher!" Miss smiled.

"I'm a woman too though so it doesn't count!" I protested.

"I'm 20." Miss said.

"20?! Woah! You are young!" I gasped shocked. "Not that you don't look young or anything, I'm just shocked that you're already a teacher!"

"Yeah, I get that a lot!" Miss giggled. "I graduated early."

"So is this your first proper job then?" I asked curiously.

"Yep, I guess it is." Miss smiled.

"We should go back in, don't want the class to think we've been attacked by aliens do we?" I laughed.

"Aliens?" Miss questioned amused.

"Don't bully me!" I smirked as we re-entered the room trying to keep straight faces.

Breaking The Rules (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now