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Lauren's POV:

After telling Camila about my past yesterday, I feel so much more free! I've been holding onto the guilt of killing that boy for so long, keeping all my feelings bottled up in a jar in my heart. I feel so relieved that it was Camila who I first shared that with. Today is a new day and a new start. I feel refreshed and ready to go!
"Lauren!" My mom called from upstairs.
"Yes mom?" I sighed, shuffling off the couch and heading up the stairs.
"Why are you up so early? It's not time for school yet!" My mom raised an eyebrow in my direction when I entered the room.
"Yeah, I know. I just feel happy today, wanted to get up earlier." I shrugged, as she stood there with shock written all over her face.
"Who are you and what have you done with my daughter?!!" My mom joked as I rolled my eyes.
"Ha ha, very funny!" I mimicked.
"Seriously though, how come you're happy? You're always so miserable!" My mom protested.
"True, there's just this person that's lighting up my universe right now!" Clara chirped happily at my response.
"Someone's got a boyfriend!" My mom teased as my heart sank. If only she knew... "Baby you light up my world like nobody else!" My mom teased.
"That wouldn't be me!" I sighed. "Ew! Mom, you know I HATE One Direction!"
"What do you mean?" Clara furrowed her eyebrows. "And you love Zayn!"
"We're not together." I stated bluntly. "He's not in One Direction anymore so I do hate One Direction, I only liked them because of him anyway."
"Yet!" Clara smiled as she peered at her watch. "Come on Laur, you need to get ready!" My mom said, pushing me out of her room. I walked into my own room and began to get changed.


"Good morning Dinah." Miss Cabello smiled as Dinah entered her classroom, soon followed by me. Today I was wearing a low-cut black vest top with black leather pants. "Lauren." Camila gasped at the sight of me. She likes this look - I'll keep that in mind!
I winked in Camila's direction before sitting at the desk in front of her.
Throughout the lesson, I tried my best to turn Camila on. I sat with my chest pressed firmly against my desk, exposing more of my cleavage whilst biting my lip in her direction. Camila would try to hide her blushed cheeks, but she's terrible at hiding her flustered face!
"Right, you can all go! Dinah, can you stay back a minute, please?" Miss called out as me and Dinah both looked at each other in confusion.
"Tell me everything!" I whispered to Dinah as she nodded before I left the room along with the rest of the students as Dinah sat down in my seat, opposite my teacher.

Dinah's POV:

I nervously looked around the room as Miss Cabello cleared her throat.
"Dinah-" She started before I interrupted her.
"This is about Lauren isn't it?" I smirked as Miss looked defeated.
"H-How did you know?" Miss mumbled through embarrassment.
"All you two go on about is each other!" I giggled as Miss raised her head up to meet my gaze.
"She-she talks about me?" Miss asked nervously.
"Trust me, you're ALL she talks about!" I smirked.
"Is Lauren gay?" Miss asked quietly.
"Umm, honestly, I don't know. She doesn't tell me anything." I sighed, sorry that I couldn't answer her.
"Oh. How is she? Lauren." Camila clarified, blushing at the sound of Lauren's name. She really must like Jauregui!
"Umm, she's been drawing a lot. Lots of hearts, crosses, roses, quotes...tattoo ideas." I smiled as Miss returned it.
"She's getting a tattoo?!!" Miss asked interested but also shocked.
"Yeah...but it's not her first, she's already got one." I giggled as Miss looked gob-smacked.
"What? Where? When?" I giggled ever more at my teacher's obsessiveness. Sometimes I forget she is actually a teacher!
"She's got one on the back of her neck. She got it when she was 16, it's a dragonfly." I winked.
"Wow. I can't believe I haven't noticed it before!" Miss giggled. "I'll have to check her out in more detail."
"Oh, so you check her out a lot then?" I smirked as Miss blushed.
"I didn't mean it like that!" Miss whined.
"Of course you didn't!" I teased.


Camila's POV:

"Hey Lauren!" I called out as she spun around.
"Hey Camila, what's up?" She smiled.
"Can you help me bring some exam papers into my car?" I asked shyly.
"Of course." Lauren smiled. "Your classroom right?" I nodded in response as we made our way to her classroom.
As we began picking up the piles of papers, I glanced over at Lauren, noticing she was crouched down, her hair falling perfectly around both sides of her face, exposing her neck but more importantly, her tattoo.
"Your tattoo is beautiful." I smiled down at her.
"Thanks, I'm getting another one this week." Lauren smirked up at me. Is she trying to kill me, seriously?!
"I know." I said without thinking.
"Huh? How do you know that? I didn't tell you?" Lauren furrowed her eyebrows up at me.
"Umm, no reason." I pretended to act oblivious, which didn't work.
"Dinah." Lauren sighed.

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