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Camila's POV:

Last night's events kept circling around in my head. Me and Lauren were quite close to kissing! I'm so grateful that Lauren stopped before anything could happen. I really love my job at Manchester High. And I know that Lauren won't feel the same, I don't even know if she's gay.

"Hi." I groaned, entering my apartment.

"Hey, what's up with you?" Demi questioned as I made my way over to the couch and sat beside her.

"Remember that girl that sent me the boob pic?" I asked as she nodded. "Well, we've became close lately..."

"Woah! You haven't banged her have you?" Demi asked seriously.

"WHAT! NO! But, we did nearly kiss, but we stopped before anything could happen." I sighed as Demi pulled a shocked face.

"Oh my god!" Demi squealed. "So you are gay, you liar?!"

"I don't know, I've never felt like this about a girl before...and when I do, it's my fucking student!" I groan in frustration.

"How old is she? What's her name?" Demi placed her hand on my knee.

"Lauren, and she's 17." I sigh. "I know if anything did happen, it would be illegal, not just because I'm her teacher; because she's underage."

"I see what you mean." Demi smiled sadly.

"What do I do, Demz?" I wept as she embraced me into her arms.

"I think you need to keep your distance from her." Demi mumbled.

"What? Why? How am I gonna do that?" I cried louder.

"You don't want to lose your job over some crush do you?" I shook my head. "Right, well, just don't be as close as before, treat her like all your other students. Then, maybe she'll understand you don't like her and she'll move on."

"I like her...a lot, if only there was a way." I moaned.

"There is. Wait until she's left school, when she's old enough." Demi smiled.

"No! She'll have moved on then, she'll have forgotten about me!" I sob. "I don't even know if she does like me, I don't even know her sexuality."

"Well, for now, just relax, enjoy your job and don't think about her, okay?" I just nod in response.


Lauren's POV:

"Morning, Camila." I smirk as she walks past me.

"Miss Cabello." Camila snapped, correcting me as she stormed off. What's her problem?

"Hey, Laur! Ready to go to class?" Ally smiled, bringing me back to reality.

"Sure, what have we got?" I asked.

"English!" She squealed as I let out a sigh, this is gonna be interesting.


"Take a seat please Ally." Camila smiled as we entered her classroom. "Lauren." She said rather harshly.

I could tell Camila was in a mood with me. What have I done? Is this about the kiss? Was she in a mood because I stopped it from happening? Did she hate me for being so close? Was she gay? Did she like me? I pulled out my phone and decided to text her. I looked up and saw her picking up her phone.

L: What's your problem? Why are you treating me like shit?

Camila sighed and quickly typed back.

C: Do not text me again, Lauren. I mean it, delete my number.

L: Ouch! You don't know who you're messing with, Miss. I can make your life a living hell. You do remember I have your number and you have mine? You do remember the picture, smoking and drinking situations you didn't report, right? Oh and don't forget when you were going to kiss me! ;)

Camila lifted her gaze from her phone and darted her eyes at me. Her face full of worry and anger as I sat back and smirked.

C: Oh, and don't you forget, it was you who send the picture, you who was smoking, you who had vodka, you who is threatening a teacher, you who is on your phone in class...

L: Oh, you wanna play that game? Fine. And trust me, it's not a threat, it's a promise...

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