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A/N: Sorry I've been so inactive! I've been making Fifth Harmony Videos! if you wanna check them out, my youtube name is Zauren AF

Camila's POV:

For the remaining minutes of the lesson, I could not focus. With already having to ignore Lauren was hard enough but now her threatening me makes me feel really guilty. As soon as my class finished, Lauren was the first one out the door. I don't exactly blame her though.

"Hey, how's it going?" Demi asked, entering my classroom.

"Huh?" I raised my head to her level in confusion.

"Lauren." She clarified.

"Don't even get me started." I groaned in response as Demi shuffled closer indicating for me to elaborate.

"She's threatening me because I'm ignoring her and won't tell her why I am." I sighed as Demi reached over for my hand, intertwining it with her own.

"Shit." She mumbled. "I guess you'll have to stop ignoring her, you'll lose your job if you do continue to blank her."

"I know." I felt warm tears prick my eyes. "I just like her so much; I don't want to take that risk of being close to her again, I won't be able to control myself! Why did I have to fall for a 17 year old?"

"You said it yourself; you think she feels the same way... Does she dress like a dyke?" Demi questioned as I slapped her arm for her bluntness.

"Well, she does wear black; leather and a lot of band t-shirts..." I admitted.

"Yeah...she definitely loves pussy." Demi smirked.

"DEMI!" I squeaked.

"Oh Camila, chill!" Demi giggled.

"Me, chill? Pfft!" I scoffed. What a hypocrite!

"Yeah, whatever!" Text Lauren and ask if you can tutor her at her house." Demi winked.

"WHAT!" I gasped.

"Oh, come on! You said she's falling behind and that way you can apologize face to face tonight." Demi said suggestively.

"Fine." I sighed.


Lauren's POV:

C: Hey...Can I come over? I wanna talk.

Oh God. I don't like the sound of this. I don't even know what to say!

L: Sure, you remember where I live, right?

C: How could I forget? See u in 5

I ran upstairs and sprayed some perfume on and ran downstairs again, feeling refreshed. I was wearing a light grey tracksuit with my hair up in a messy bun; simple but comfy.

There was a knock on the door and nerves spread all over me. I took a deep breath and walked towards the door and slowly turned the handle.

"Hey." Camila smiled. Wow. Camila was wearing white ripped skinny jeans with a plain black tank top which showed off all her curves and cleavage perfectly.

"Wow." I sighed – still gazing at her.

Camila cleared her throat with a smirk on her face; she also tried to hide her blush but failed terribly.

"Sorry, come in." I stepped aside and let Camila into my house as we sat down on the couch, facing each other.

"I'm sorry." We both said in unison which caused us to giggle.

"You first." I smiled as Camila returned it.

"I'm sorry for ignoring you. My mind has been all over the place and I distanced myself from everyone." Camila sighed as she looked down at her feet.

"I'm sorry too. I'm so sorry I threatened you which could have affected the rest of your life. I wasn't actually going to." I whispered. "I'm such a horrible bitch." I cried as Camila scooted closer, trying to comfort me but I quickly moved away.

I jumped off the couch, reaching over to pick up a vase before throwing it forcefully at the wall opposite me, watching the glass shatter to pieces.

"LAUREN!" Camila gasped, leaping off the couch. "Calm down. You are not horrible or a bitch!"

"STOP LYING! EVERYONE LIES TO ME!" I screamed, digging my nails deeply into the palms of my hands. Camila noticed this, and walked towards me, taking my wrist and looking at my palm as blood began to trickle down to my wrist.

"Lauren! You're bleeding!" Camila shouted, fear evident in her voice.

"I'm used to it." I shrug, staring off into space.

"What, you always hurt yourself to bleeding point?" Camila cried, tears streaming down her face as I nod slowly. "And no one knows? Not even your therapist?" I shake my head.

"Lauren." She tries again. "Lauren. Lauren, look at me." Camila whispered calmly as I twisted my head so our eyes met.

"You are a beautiful, kind person who deserves every piece of happiness that comes into your life. I'm here to help – by tutoring you here, at your house where you are more comfortable may help. But I also want to help you outside of the school world too. Don't you dare ever think you are not good enough! You are more than good enough...you always will be."

Breaking The Rules (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now