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Camila's POV:

I can't believe what I just saw! I must be dreaming, right? Firstly, Lauren is with a boy she's never met until now, she still goes with him after his disrespectful comments and most importantly is smoking cigarettes with Marijuana in them! She told me that she's done with the past! She said she never wanted to go back to that bad life. That she wanted to be clean of drugs! I'm really starting to worry, especially about this Matt. To me, he's just a drugged up fuckboy who wants to get into Lauren's pants! Lauren is not a piece of meat, she's a beautiful goddess sculptured by God! Too far? Okay...
As soon as Lauren and Matt left, I instantly followed close behind them, hiding around the corner of the school building. Matt lit the cigarette that was in-between Lauren's fingers and then lit his own. Lauren placed the cigarette in-between her lips, inhaling it before puffing it out into the sky. I can't lie and not admit that it looks extremely hot but that's not the point!
"Do you erm, want this to be a regular thing?" Matt asked nervously. Maybe he really does like her...
"What do you mean?" Lauren asked, smiling up at him, confused.
"The drugs." He clarified. "I normally ask for money or something in return, but considering it's you, I'll give you whatever you need for free." He smirked looking down at his chest. Fucking pervert. Lauren then started blushing. Brilliant.
I can't help but feel jealousy wash all over me as they stared into each other's eyes. What the hell is wrong with her? Why is she doing this? Has something happened that I don't know about?
"Sure, why not!" Lauren smiled. WHAT? She cannot be serious! She's joking, right? Is she really going to become an addict again? Is she really willing to throw her life away for a life threatening substance in a fucking paper tube?!
"How about you meet me somewhere this Saturday?" Matt winked at her...S.T.O.P.
"L-like a date?" Lauren stuttered, cutely. Stop it, Camila!
"It's whatever you want it to be, babe." BABE? Hell no! Stay in yo lane boy!
"Here's my number." Lauren shyly pulled out a piece of paper with her number on it, handing it to him. "Text me the details." Lauren smiled before crushing her cigarette on the floor with her foot, heading back inside as Matt's eyes were glued to her ass until she was out of sight. Ugh!
Now is my chance. I need to talk to Lauren.
I quickly entered the building also but through a different door.
"Lauren?" I called down the hall as she spun around, looking high as hell.
"Yes?" She said wearily.
"Can I have a word?" I raised an eyebrow at her. "In private." She nodded as she followed me to my classroom.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I whisper yelled at her.
"What are you talking about, Miss?" She giggled, her smoky breath hitting my face.
"Matt?! The Marijuana?!" I glared as her bloodshot eyes widened.
"Were you spying on me?" Lauren angrily questioned.
"No!" I quickly defended myself. "I was making my way to my classroom when I spotted you guys and he looked like he was trouble and I was right!" I began to raise my voice, clearly irritated. "Lauren, what's on your mind? Why are you back on the drugs?" I sighed sadly.
"None of your fucking business!" Lauren scowled.
"Excuse me?!" I was shocked to say the least!
"You might have some stupid little crush on me, but I don't like you and I'm certainly not like you!" Lauren screamed in my face. That fucking hurt!
"You don't know me." I shot back. "Oh and you might wanna take a breath mint!"
"Oh don't I? We'll see then, won't we Camila?" Lauren smirked before going to open the door. I quickly grabbed her wrist, pulling her away from the door.
"Please don't do this! This isn't the Lauren I know!" I sadly cried.
"This is the real Lauren, so you better get used to it, bitch." Lauren snarled.
"Please!" I tried again, moving closer to her. Lauren flinched, quickly reaching into her jean pocket and holding up an object between the two of us, aiming it towards me, making me gasp. A knife.
"LAUREN PUT THAT DOWN!" I screamed in terror.
"I don't think you understand me..." Lauren smirked, devilishly. "...But, I'll make you!" She whispered, sending shivers all over my body.
"Go on then, do it! Kill me!" I cried out as Lauren took a step closer, aiming the point of the knife at my stomach. If it'll make Lauren feel better, she can kill me! I only want her to be happy.
"What?" Lauren asked, taken aback by my response.
"Do it! Come on! I don't have much to lose anyway!" I wept as Lauren's hand began to shake.
After hesitating for a few minutes, Lauren finally spoke up.
"No." Lauren shakes her head, lowering the knife slowly before sprinting out of the door in an instant, leaving my trembling body collapse onto the floor, jumping at the sound of my  classroom door slam behind her.
"I knew she would never hurt me." I half smiled to myself, relieved.

A/N: Oops...🙈

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