Chapter two: Sister?

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I whip my head around, "what?"

"It's the phrase of my master. Not my own," he says softly. I sigh and forcefully grab Jay's hand. He adds, "we shall meet again."

When I turn back he's gone.

"He was weird," Jay says looking back over his shoulder. I nod. I don't like nor trust him one bit but he said he was the envoy of chaos... I don't think I want to piss off this Discord at all... Jay scoops me off my feet and starts to carry me.

Jay's POV

I play with one of her curls as we walk. Long and blonde as the curl is starting to untwist from how long we've been here and her makeup is long gone. Her hazel grey eyes slowly shut as she falls asleep. I look over and sigh. This place is beautiful... creepy yet beautiful. She suddenly begins to tense up. I start to shake her awake.

Prissy's POV

I wake up.
"Priss!" Jay shouts. He continue, "You were crying... do you wanna free associate the dream to me?"

A cave... dripping water... darkness... I feel myself fall asleep.
I see a younger version of myself clinging to a slightly taller girl with darker blonde hair and its wavy. I think she's familiar.
"Sissy!" she cries.

"Where's Mommy," I ask.

"I--I don't know!" She cries weakly and fearfully. I see a tall beautiful woman with long blonde locks. we looks up at her.

"Mommy!" we both cry as we rush to embrace her. I think I'm about twelve maybe? I start to notice something, something with a glint behind her.
"MOMMY!" I scream but I'm too late. She's already been stabbed. She stumbles but manages to scoop us up.

"I'm sorry, so sorry, my babies," she says weakly. She hands Laina off to a strange man. He gasps at the oozing wound and goes to try and help her but she doesn't let him. She continues, "I must get them apart and to safety."
I leave the association now crying again. Was I-- Was I hiding these memories? I cry into Jay's arms. He manages to calm me. I sigh. I must've been repressing these memories but I wouldn't be surprised they're terrible... I look up into Jay's hazel eyes. They have the strange tint of purple again. I shake my head trying to clear my thoughts.

"L--Let's get moving," I croak. He nods.

"I--I'm sorry... I shouldn't have asked... Prissy... I didn't mean to scare you."

"It--It's okay... I need to learn about myself and my past so I can do this in the end."
"There's probably more memories hidden here."

I nod and hug him before inquiring, "where are we?"
"Almost there... well to this Merithian place anyways."

"Okay," I climb down, "let's go then."

He nods and takes my hand. Did Saveron's words set this off? I hope not... who knows if he can actually be trusted let alone this Discord... We make it to Merithian. Oh wow!! There's a lot of centaurs around! There's one that catches my eye though... he's just standing there watching. He sighs.
"something must've happened to them... there's no other explanation as to why they haven't returned yet," he states with a concerned tone. I sigh. We need to help them. I walk over to him. He turns and jumps. With a surprised tone he exclaims, "Who--Who are you?!"

"I'm Prissy and this is my boyfriend Jay."
He looks me up and down and sees my scabbard. He grabs my hand gently, "Can you-- Can you help us?"
"Yeah, what do you need help with?"
"The mine rats of Minoene haven't returned from their mine its been 3 weeks!"
"How much food do they have?"
"I'm afraid if they don't surface today... they'll starve."
"Let's go!"
"Sweetie... Babe... we don't know where to go," Jay notes snapping me back to apart of what's important. I nod.
"So... um... after that one... where do we need to go?" I inquire trying to hide the slight blush of embarrassment.

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