Chapter Twelve: Some Rest At Last.

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I wake up... I was exhausted last night but I think that's warranted after everything I've been through. I spot Maltorn at the door. I smile again. I say, "hi."
"Hello Princess," Maltorn says softly. He adds, "You startled Jay and Saveron."
"Oh, I'm sorry. I'll go talk to them."
"No need, no need, just rest."
"Can I ask a question?"
"Ask away," he says softly.
"Okay, I don't remember this... were Thanac and Halira ever official guards?"
"They were supposed to be sworn in on the day of the attack."
I nod and sigh. There is still so much I don't understand. I hope it'll all clear up for me in time though. I sigh softly again. I ask, "Do you think everyone will be okay if I rest for a bit longer?"
"Do not worry, Princess, I shall make sure everything is well."
"Okay... thank you."
"Of course."
I feel myself begin to drift.

Jay's POV

I go check on Connak to see his door is shut and locked. I look around then sigh and knock, "Connak, you there?"
"Huh? Are you... drunk?"
"Nah! Well maybe... give me a minute I'll open the door," he says, more of groans. He opens the door as I realize he's not drunk but he is hungover. I sigh. He asks, "what?"
"Come on off to bed with ya," I say, helping him to bed. I add, "you're hungover... how much have you had?"

"I dunno... twoish bottles last night."
I look for his waterskin and find it pleasantly not full of alcohol but with water. I add, "Drink up... no more alcohol for you today... okay?"
"I'm tryna numb the pain."
"Huh? Why?"
"Today's the day she died."
I pause and look at him. I add, "I'm sorry, Connak."
"I planned on doing somethin' stupid."
"Hm? What kind of stupid?"
"I was gonna find some dark elves and fight'em, ya know some sorta vengeance," He says.
"Why didn't you?"
"Because I've caused ya enough problems... and I realized it wasn't smart... especially alone... so I decided to get drunk..."
"Oh... I'm sorry... at least you thought it through though," I say trying to bring out the good in the situation. He nods. I hear a knock at the door and say, "I'll get it."

I see Demetria at the door. She looks nervous. She asks, "m–mind if I come in?"
"...sure," Connak says with slight hesitation in his voice. He adds, "hi, Demetria."

"Hi, Connak... I heard you were having a hangover, so I made you something."
"Really? Thank you."
"Oh, it's nothing... I learned this recipe before I was turned."
"Turned? Oh... right... sorry. You kept mentioning that."

"Yeah... anyways, here!" She says before handing him the bowl. He panics and nearly drops it. She realizes something then looks away.
"You... You are a wood elf, aren't you? You came from my people!?" He sobs. She bows her head as I watch a familiar black crystal emerge except this version is like a rope... fluid and ever moving. She holds her head down as he sobs, "I–I can't believe it! No! NO! NO!"
She starts to run but he blocks the door. She cries, "Please don't hurt me!"
He stops hearing her cry. He adds, "I–I'm sorry... I just... I lost it... th–thank you for the food, Demetria... I'm sorry if I scared you... I really am sorry."
She manages to calm down, then looks down, "C–can you lower the vine wall?"
"Y–yeah," he says before doing so, "And, uh, thanks again for the food."
"It's not a problem, Connak."

He nods then she sits down. I ask, "Is Priss back asleep?"
"Yes... she's sleeping peacefully."
"Did you wake her by accident?" I ask, a smile forming.
"No... Princess Alaina did, and we got a chance to look at her ring before letting her go back to sleep."

Connak laughs quietly then looks over at Demetria's arm. He asks, "Can I try to heal it?"
She hesitates for a long moment then says, "I'd rather not... after all we all are worried about the curse, Connak."
I pause remembering research I've been doing. Connak looks back at me and asks, "Jay, is there something you wanna say?"
"Oh no! It's something I'd like to talk with Demetria privately about... rules and stipulations of the curse."
"Okay... right now though... Connak... I'm sorry for your loss... I'm sorry that I can't be more of a support," Demetria says softly.
"Well... I've got some questions about being turned... if you're okay with answering?" Connak asks.
"... I don't know... I guess ask the question and I'll see if I can answer... if that's okay?"
"Yeah! That's fine!"

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