Chapter Seventeen: My Experiments

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Jay's POV

I look around to find Maltorn staring at the water. I ask, "Do you wanna swim?"
"No, I am sorry for my earlier actions... I let emotions take over instead of flowing through me like I should have."
"It's okay... it happens... even to the best of us...I mean remember when I first started with my powers and any time I got pissed I'd grow?"
"Yes I remember."
"Maltorn, I didn't fail them... did I?"
Maltorn turns as I realize he's crying. He whispers, "Come closer, Jay, I want to show you something. Something you have never seen before."
"Well there's been a lot of that!" I say, cracking a smile. He chuckles as I add, "What? It's true!"

He leads me to the creek and takes my hand. We start walking on the water. He smiles, "Does this excite you too?"
"Holy hell! I'm like Jesus!"
Maltorn breaks down into a roar of laughter as we hear Kier spit. I turn to see that he has a cup of coffee and a tray with several more. I look over. Kier shrugs, "I ain't gonna judge this. I was just trying to bring y'all coffee because the Princess told me to."
I laugh softly, "sorry Kier but it's not every day you get to feel like Jesus."
Maltorn chuckles and shakes his head. He smiles, "I guess so but I wanted to show you that you have more power than you realize, I feel the wind keeping you up whereas I can feel the waves beneath me. It was something we did with Avelision to help her with her powers."
I nod and try to do more with it only to hit the water and realize, "Wait you're trying to distract me!"

He sighs softly. He adds, "you are becoming more aware every time. Yes, I am trying to distract you but I have good intentions. I want to remind you of your good deeds."
"I don't need that, I just need to know if I failed them."

"I know... I just do not know... I do not know if we failed them."
"We? It was my fault, Maltorn... I was the one who let them come with us. I shouldn't have let them come."
"No, I have my own part to play... I should have come with you to ensure nothing would happen."

"But you didn't know this would happen."
"Nor did you... so neither of us can take the blame for it."
I nod but spot a weird doctor. I give Maltorn a head nod. He looks just as confused before shrugging and walking over to join Prissy.

Demetria's POV

I wake up again only this time to crying and screaming. I bolt up. What happened? I'm tackled by Connak before I can ask any more questions. He holds me tightly as we watch the magic flow around us. I look like the old me again. I sigh softly. The masked guy smiles and says, "well you're both awake and reasonably well so it is time to take you back."

We are suddenly back at Dotas. With a confused Prissy talking to a strange doctor that causes both Connak and Masked Guy to look confused. I ask, "what's wrong?"

"Oh nothing... Anyways, my debt is paid... Come on Masky, let's go."

Masky climbs onto the Masked Guy's shoulder. Prissy gives an expression then begins running towards them. She's a woman on a mission... I don't know what said mission is but I know she's on one. I look at Connak tiredly. He takes me in his arms.

Prissy's POV

I stop the Masked One, "Wait!"

"Who are you?"
"I'm someone who owed you... nothing more nothing less."
"You better not have done anything to them!" Jay shouts. I grab his arm gently as I lead him over to the masked duo.
"I go by Masky," the little one adds.
"Nice to meet you both."
"Meet them?! They could've–"
"Jay, they helped us... the Masked One owed us a debt... and he's repaid it... I don't think he'd hurt them."
I recognize the staff though. I sigh as I look up at him.
"Just call me Masked One... your friends are injured from what Carmine had done to them... but Carmine's base is no more and she is on the run. Nothing more is owed."
"Really? Really that's all you wanna say to us?" Jay asks in a shout.
"Well I was hoping for a 'thank you,'" Masked One says with a slight chuckle.
"For what?" Jay cries.

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