Chapter Thirteen: My Prelude to War

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I fall into the world I recognize as Indracine. Wait oh fuhh! I'm falling! I barely work my magic in time still hitting the ground with a resounding thud and probably a bruise somewhere. I gather myself before standing up. I thought I was going to end up in Dotas because it wouldn't be that far of a walk. Oh, gods what was that? Oh gods! No! No! Not dark elves! I feel my blood run cold and my breath speed up as I grab my scimitars. One of them speak, "Ohhhh! A lowly human right in our grasp right outside of Dotas!"

"What?! That can't be right! This can't be Dotas!"
"Oh, but it is!" She says. I spot dryads encased in stone; stone elves captured by the dark ones present. They plan to turn them... don't they? I look like a human to them... I just fell out of the sky... they want to turn me too! I stumble planning to run as I hear her yell, "Slaves get him."

I panic running as hard and fast as I can before hiding behind a tree and using the blink spell to disappear. I sigh with soft relief as I watch the orcs look around me. One shouts, "where he go?"
"Me no know!" another one answers. I feel his breath on me. It actually kinda stinks but I don't move. I watch them move on before running. I've gotta escape before the blink runs out. Oh no! No! NO! NO! I can feel my limbs giving out! No! NO! I can't fall yet! Not here! Not yet! No! NO! I see the lights of Meeting Grounds. I'm almost there! I'm so close! I'm so! So! So! So close! I can't give up! I–

Prissy POV

I look around, having read Saveron's note and sighing softly. I suddenly hear something. I turn and accidentally catch Saveron. I immediately ask, "Saveron? Oh, crap he's unconscious."
I spot Jay and Demetria. Demetria rushes over with Jay. She asks, "Is he okay?"
"I don't know."
"He's unconscious... let's take him in," Jay says. I nod and we carry him to my room. Jay asks, "Why are we putting him–? Oh, the chair."
I nod. I sit down at the foot of the bed only to hear Saveron's orb go off. I answer it. Josh's voice answers, "hey?"
"Hi! Fancy hearing you," I say softly.

"Is he okay?"
"He fainted when he breached the gap... or at least I think that's what happened... actually no... he was running from something... I'm going to call Discord to come check on him."
"I'll keep you on the ph–orb don't worry."
Saveron bolts awake, "is Alex okay?"

"He's okay now... the burns are gone... and the dark elves are gone... I just wanted to let you know so you wouldn't worry about it."
"Okay," He says weakly. I notice weird specks in his eyes.
"Saveron?" I ask. He doesn't answer. I ask it again before just calling Discord.

Tagrano's POV

I continue carving the mask a bit of rage seeping through as I sigh. I can't believe that Prissy had to save Stephen. I sigh. I have to pay her back... I finish making his mask and gently stuff it on his face. He, at first, seems confused then smiles, "I can come?"
"Yes and no."
"What does that mean?"

"You'll need to stay near me."

"Okay! Can we visit Mrs. Astrid?"

"Let me finish right quick and then we'll go."

I retake the mask and enchant it before hiding it in my bag. He patiently waits for me then yawns. I pick him up and we go to the tavern she frequents. Upon seeing her, with a small sigh, I smile and say, "Hello, Mrs. Astrid... you look well... How are you today?"

"I'm a bit worn... now where is–?"
"I'm up here Auntie!" Stephen cries from my shoulder. She chuckles and picks him up, "Hi Auntie!"


She leads us out of the bar with a tired smile.

I see a flash.

I'm in this kid's body... this Fulren... again... not again. I see someone... probably his mother. She sits with someone she calls Erika...
"Mommy! Mommy! When will Stephano be here?" I (as Fulren) ask.
"Soon baby."
I snap outta it as we make it to Avelision's house. She looks like that Jay kid. I sigh and look down. I notice a wound along her back. I ask, "Mrs. Avelision?"
"You know you can call me Astrid or Auntie."
"... more importantly... what happened to your back?"
"Oh, some jerkwad decided the tavern was the perfect place to rob."

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