Chapter Four: Fiend or Friend

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"Hey so, we might not be able to do anything right now to help Connak," River says softly.

"Why not?" Jay asks leaning forward.

"It might be dangerous."
"How so?"
"Well, I mean they could've done several spells. Like one that might turn whoever turns him back into a dog or turns him back into a dog after a day."
River watches as we settle into the room, "if you need anything... I'll help."
"Okay," Jay says. River's expression changes... it looks more like a stern snarl. He shuts the door and locks it. I jump back unprepared for such. Jay jumps up grabbing his sword from his hilt. He asks, "what are you doing?"
"I know you're the true queen."
"Huh?" Jay asks. After about a minute of processing River's statement, he says, "That's preposterous!"

River pulls out an orb picture of my sword.

"So?" I ask.
"That's the queen's sword... and what did I see?" He asks before scrolling to the recent photos. He shows one of me using said sword. He continues, "That's right... the sword."
"I'm right, aren't I?"

"And if you are?"
"Why what?" Jay asks.

"Why are you trying to help this nobody town?" River asks.

"Because I like to help people," I state.

"Well your secret is safe with me... that's why I locked the door... it makes sure the entire room is sound proof."
"Yeah wasn't trying to lock you up. Even if I didn't believe the Elf Knight, I'd still owe you for helping us."
"Elf Knight?"
"Sir Maltorn."
"oh... well do you believe?"
"Yeah from a young age we were taught you'd be back to help save us all!"

"so why do you refer to Maltorn as the Elf Knight and Sir?"
"Formality and that's what I was raised to use."
"But when Sir Maltorn told us, he had gotten the entire village together besides the elf forest. When I heard it I got so excited! I thought, 'yes! Yes! It's finally happening she's returned!' I couldn't help but be excited!"

"Yes," I say before letting Alaina out. River bows out of respect. He stands up.
"Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!"

I chuckle and say, "No need to get THAT excited."
"Sorry... are you on your way to save the kingdom?"
"I'm sorry if this sounds rude but you need to hurry... you saw what the archmages did to Connak? Yeah they're doing more and worse than that! And not just locally it's happening everywhere!! So please hurry!"
"I know... I know..."
"But first we gotta help your friend," Jay says steering the conversation away from saving the kingdom to help my own self.

"I finally got my analysis of the magic... we'll have to wait until tomorrow otherwise he'd just turn back into a dog... They knew I'd try to save him... I hate what they've done to this town... everyone lives in fear but silently we've all hoped for your return."
"oh... I'm sorry for not being more helpful," I say.

"No you're fine... are you hungry?" He asks gently. I nod. He walks into a basic looking kitchen. Wait there's a kitchen! He adds, "I leave the pantry and cooling orb stocked with food."
"thank you, River," I say softly.

"You remember our names, right?" Jay asks.
"Yeah I think so. You're Jay and that's Prissy... wait I thought-?" River starts
"Yeah I'm using my nickname I want to stay safe about everything," I say interrupting him.
He soon brings us two plates of food. Just some chicken and mashed potatoes but that's enough to fill me for the time as I wasn't that hungry. I rest my head on the couch. I feel exhausted...


Dorantos, Maltorn, and a woman who looks like Jay's mom are hanging around me. They are cheering me on as I am dancing to a song of my own making. Wait I remember this song!

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