Chapter Nine: I Can't Believe It

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Prissy's POV

I sigh and rest my head on the couch. Ariel soon joins me with dinner.
"Thanks, Ariel."
"Of course, dear."
Jay walks in holding a necklace.
"Hey, the duo had an argument over this, I wanted you to look at it."
"Is this the necklace she was wearing?" I ask taking it. He nods.
"I'm gonna go take a nap and study."
"Go ahead, Jay."
I look over to Ariel with a sigh. She pulls me close and pats my back.
"You're gonna be okay."
"I hope so," I say.
"Alucard says you're quite the dancer."
I laugh, "maybe?"
"Well maybe you can show me sometime."
"That sounds like fun. Maybe you and Alucard can show us some tips."
She giggles and pats my shoulder. I look at the necklace and sigh. It has "to my love Demetria" on the back. I can tell this was done by Connak. That's why he's so upset about it. I sigh.
"You've got a big heart."
"I guess."
"You shouldn't just guess."
"... I don't know I'm trying so hard."
"I know."

Ariel's POV

Gods help if she ever gets kidnapped. They'd turn on each other quickly if what Alucard said is true. She looks up at me. I don't know if she can read my mind but if she can... I might only be making things worse. I sigh and hold her.
"Ariel... I'm sorry."
"For what?"
"I don't know I just feel like I need to apologize."
"Don't, you don't need to."
Connak enters the room.
"Hey, Prissy?"
"I'm scared to ask."
"About the necklace and where she got it?"
"Here just come let it out. I don't know how else to help you."
He comes and sits, "it's all my fault. I didn't protect her."
"Don't blame yourself there was nothing you could've done."
She hugs him and lets him cry. She's such a good girl. She hands him the necklace.
"I should give it back for now, shouldn't I?"

The next morning Tagrano's POV

"You need to head to the Hastonris Orcish Outpost."
"Fine," I mind message back, waking up. I wish he had waited until I was awake. I tumble outta bed with a sigh. I notice a box at the end of my bed. It's wrapped. I open it to see a card... homemade with big wobbly letters.
"Happy birthday to my awesome big brother," I open the card and see, "I love you, big brother, happy nineteenth birthday! Love, Stephen."
He had to rewrite nineteenth several times. I open the box to see a homemade necklace, a box of cookies, and a new cloak. I spot Stephen at the door.
"I love you too, baby brother."
He walks in and I hug him. He smiles and says, "happy birthday, Ren."
"Thank you."
"You're welcome."
"I'm taking you to the vacation home... the one near the Hastonris orc outpost?"
I take his hand and grab my scepter. I smile before teleporting us there. I wonder why he's wanting me here. Oh well, it's okay... at least Stephen can keep me company.

Prissy's POV

Demetria is awake and has the necklace.  I look over to her slightly confused.
"Hey so—?"
"If you're asking about the necklace, I can't talk about it."
"How'd you know?"
"I didn't, I guessed."
Alucard sighs, "are you leaving yet?"
"No... I wanna go look around a little bit—"
"Oh, thank the Gods!" JoJo suddenly shouts. He's exhausted from running. I turn.
"The emperors—they've sent ghoul dragons to attack us."
"Ghoul dragons?"
"Dragons made from the older emperor's dark soul," Alucard answers looking at me sadly.
"Oh... oh no!"
"Soul slaves?" Jay asks.
"...yeah," Alucard says. Jay nods. Alucard asks, "what's wrong?"
"This prophecy book is confusing, Alucard. But it doesn't matter we've got things to do."
I need to ask when we're done.
"How strong are these ghoul dragons?" I ask as I reach for my bow.
"Very strong if you aren't prepared," Alucard says before mumbling, "If only I had my halberd."
"That problem can be solved," Ariel says before nodding to JoJo, "JoJo, go on."
"Right," he says before walking up the stairs. I guess he's too outta breath to run. He soon returns with Ariel's bow and Alucard's halberd.
"My halberd," Alucard says although the argument could be made that he was asking.
"Yeah... when I went looking for you after calming down all I could find was your halberd. I wanted to make sure nothing bad happened to it, so I brought it with me," Ariel says softly as JoJo hands Alucard his halberd. She adds, "I hope that was okay."
"Of course, that's okay! Why wouldn't it be?" Alucard asks pulling her into a hug.
"I'm not quite sure," she says softly.
"Thank you, Ariel," He says softly before he does a couple of warm up swings, "Well now the playing field is more equal, isn't it?"
"I would have to think so," I say as I watch Ariel swing the quiver over her shoulder. Jay nods with an enormous grin. I notice JoJo looks rather anxious and add, "JoJo, someone needs to protect Alaina and Dmitri... would you mind doing so?"
"No! Not at all!"
Ariel nods at me and smiles. I smile back. I think the undertone was about how I'm blossoming into the leader I'd need to be to rule over a kingdom. Or at least that's what it feels like. She smiles and asks, "are you ready to dance the forest's war?"
I nod and smile, "Of course."
"Then let us go!" Alucard shouts rearing up ready to fight. I hear a noise. I look out to see Aria, River, and Evan.
"Well, well, well, who do we have here?" I ask almost mockingly to Aria.
"Oh, hush you, we intercepted a message that the orcish outpost was sending ghouls and we wanted a piece of the action," she says leaning into the window. She mockingly asks, "You won't keep us out, right?"
"Of course not!" I say as stand up. Ariel and Alucard look confused. I add, "Oh! This is Vala's niece, Aria; Connak's cousin, River; and Aria's boyfriend, Evan!"
"Ah I've heard of you, Aria," Ariel starts, "It's nice to finally put a name to the face!"
"Didn't he—?" Alucard starts.
"He most likely was brainwashed, love," Ariel says interrupting Alucard. Alucard just nods. Not sure what that was about but oh well. I sigh. I've got a lot of questions and not a single answer. Ariel nods as if to say she'll explain later. She adds, "we should get moving."
"Right, JoJo, you'll take care of Alaina and Dmitri right?"
"Yeah, of course!"
"Good let's go!"
I run out meeting up with Aria. She hugs me and I give one back with a squeeze. Connak smiles and hugs River. We hear a loud crash.
"They're here."
We nod. Evan smiles and reveals his axe. I watch as the last civilians escape the dragons. Aria has a blowgun. Evan charges at the one to land with his horns. He's not gonna like— he hits it hard with an "oof" of discomfort. Aria shoots it. Things are just bouncing off it. River charges with his sword. I spot more who are becoming human. I shout, "guys! Handle the human the ones, I'll keep this guy busy."
"Right," Demetria calls
"Got it," Evan retorts.
"All right if you say so," Aria shouts.
"Stay safe princess!" Ariel and Alucard shout.
"On it," Connak retorts.
"You sure love?" Jay asks looking at me.
"I've got this. Go help them."
"Fine... just stay safe."
"I will."
I charge at the giant ghoul dragon as I watch everyone split up to handle their battles. Come on why doesn't anything work on this guy?! I spot a little boy. The ghoul does too as he swipes his tail knocking the kid into a tree.
Jay looks over at me and nods. Rescue the boy. That's the plan. He finishes the one he was on off as I charge to the kid narrowly avoiding tail swipes and claw attacks. This is just like the dodge strategy I used with Helios! I make it to the kid as he passes out. I scoop him up. Jay jumps in front of me then performs a pasata Soto where he dives and stabs. Connak is using his magic to both stab the ghouls and protect River. Demetria throws the club at an approaching ghoul causing Connak to softly growl. Oh come on Connak! River smacks him, "She saved us thank her!"
"Fine thank you."
"Anytime!" Demetria replies.
"How sweet!" The dragon growls. Aria and Evan look like they're dancing as they fight in synchrony. I wish we could be more like that. I watch Evan take the hit to protect Aria as Aria shoots said attacker with a dart. Ariel and Alucard really do well as a team as well... I look back to our arguing duo only to spot them on the ground. What the heck?! I spot daggers flying over us and see JoJo smiling. I nod my appreciation then hand the kid to Demetria. She nods and starts running.
"Get behind me... I've got a plan."
"All right, Priss, go ahead."
I duck under a claw but feel it graze my back. I groan then lure them all into an area before twirling my sword and shouting, "Order of Chaos!"
A multi colored dragon escapes my blade rapidly consuming enemies. Is that everyone? Gods please tell me so!

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