Chapter 3: A New Challenger

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Her sunken hungry eyes... I can't keep my eyes looking at her... it hurts me and it scares me.

"Y-Yeah," I stutter forcing back tears. I don't know why I'm crying she's alive and she can recover it's not like she is bleeding out in front of me. She tries to stand but can't. I rush to catch her as I do she hugs me. I can feel the weak, thin bones poking my side and underneath it's breaking my heart. I help her sit down then make food. She looks up trying to speak but I intrude, "you need to eat."
"I didn't eat that long ago."
"I don't care you still need to eat," I say gently handing her an apple and watching to make sure she eats it. Maltorn looks a bit saddened and hurt. I turn and say, "It's not your fault... you couldn't talk I don't know how you even got things."
"I had little help but an unknown ally would bring food and money to us."
"Oh... well anyways though she isn't too bad off despite it all you did your best, Maltorn... that's all you could've done," I say watching her eat as I finish cooking. He manages to smile. I smile back then turn to her, "you should eat more."
"I'm fine."
"No, come on and eat, Alaina."
I give her more to eat and watch her finish as I am trying to fight back all the emotions. My pain and confusion needs to wait for now. I don't know what to feel about all this. I finally found her I don't even fully remember everything. Maltorn walks over and pats my head. I look up at him. He gently says, "We all need rest including you... come now let us all go rest."

I look up and nod, "You're right we should get sleep."
Jay sighs and says, "Come on, Priss."
I nod and find a spot then settle down and fall asleep.


I see an orc... he's different. I don't know what or why I feel this way. He bends down to the soil his grey skin covered in the brown dust from the nearby road as he grows a white rose using his powers he picks it and puts it in Alaina's hair then does the same for me. We both giggle. He smiles but sighs. He says, "Okay, Princesses, it's time to go back."
"AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW but it's so pretty out here!" I cry wanting to go run out into the large flower field we are by.

"I know," Maltorn says stepping out of the shadows. I hear a groan and apparently the orc and Maltorn hear it too... it's coming from the bushes. Maltorn is the first to look in the bush. He gasps, "oh my gosh."
"What is it, Maltorn?" The orc asks gently pulling us close to protect us.

"It- It's a vampire!"
"Is it okay?"
"He's starving!"
The orc lets us loose as we run over to be beside Maltorn. The vampire backs up bearing his fangs and making a hissing noise.
"We won't hurt you," the orc says gently.
"Maybe not me but there is more than just I here!"
"We promise not to hurt them either."
I walk over to see him better... it's the vampire from the other dream! My younger self reaches over to him and pokes his fangs. He jumps but doesn't hurt me. Why am I not asking for his name?! It would make everything easier if I just used names!! Maltorn holds his arm out to let the vampire drink.

"come on drink some," Maltorn says more forcefully. The vampire drinks heavily from Maltorn as I watch with the same child like innocence. Maltorn continues, "Does that prove us?"
He nods then reveals more hidden behind a bush.

Dream ends.

What happened to them? Who even are they? I look up. Man this is all strange... I sigh and rest my head as I look over at Alaina. She is in Maltorn's protective grip. I lean back and sigh. All is so peaceful... I sigh again. What time is it anyways? I check the orb as it lights up, it displays in a off white 5:30... I'm betting it's not even dawn. I peer out checking to prove that no it isn't even dawn. I sigh and lean back. I hear a noise causing me to reach for my sword and jerk up. I turn only to hear Saveron's voice, "Calm down... it's just me."
I sigh and say, "you better be glad you told me when you did otherwise you would've gotten a sword in your face."
"Sorry... anyways when are we going?"
"More importantly are you considered friendly?"
"Yeah... I mean they can't exactly see me without permission so they don't know I'm here."
"Okay, I guess that's good... I just don't want any drama."
"and to your other question, I'm not sure yet... I do want time to handle stuff if you don't mind."
"No I don't particularly care."
"Anyways where are we going after we are done meeting with him?"
"Oh with my master? I don't know."
"well that's helpful isn't it?"
"don't worry I know he'll send you in the right direction."
"Okay then."
I get up to cook. He silently watches without even an offer to help causing me to sigh. He realizes it, "oh sorry, should've at least offered to help although I'm not exactly allowed to help cook anymore."
"Ummmm okay then?"
"don't worry about that."

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