Chapter Eighteen: All the Gods Love Drama

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Josh finally starts to come to then shouts, "Hey what's the meaning of this?! Let me go!"
"Are you certain you wish for that?" God Devin asks, smiling and looking down at him. Despite how tall Josh's form is, a fall from eight feet won't feel good. Josh looks down realizing what's happening then looks up at him. God Devin asks, "May I place you upon my rug?"
"S–sure," Josh says, still focused on the ground below him. Alex whimpers but Josh is gently placed on the ground. Alex runs to him and makes sure he's okay. Josh says, "I'm okay! I'm okay! But who are you?"
Alex mumbles, "I feel like more appropriately, what are you?"

"I shall disclose both answers, I am Devin, God of libraries, stories, and knowledge. The race I present myself as is giant or Goliath."
"That's why you're so tall," Josh says.
"Wait, present yourself as?" Alex asks. I cover her mouth before she asks more. She licks my hand. I wipe it on her. God Devin begins to laugh. She cries, "eww! Also, what's so funny?"
"Ah, I shall display this rather than explain it," he says before shifting into his elf form. Which is still tall; he's now six feet five inches. The only features that stay the same are his peach eyes and black hair. I sigh as he asks, "does this resolve your inquiries?"
"Y–yeah! Or at least f–for now!" Alex whimpers as she looks over at me. I sigh. She looks over then asks, "Josh, you okay?"
"I'm okay... now."
God Devin returns to his normal state as I start, "God Devin, we need your help."
"My apologies but my assistance is unavailable. Good day," he says now with a snarl. He starts to walk away.

"I have the books that you're missing."
"I am aware... please return them to the desk thank you."
I pause and look at the duo. When I turn back to try more he's disappeared between the bookshelves. I groan and mumble, "damn it... what the hell?"

"That didn't seem good," Alex says more of to ask.

"I know, I know... I don't know what's going on but it's not making this any easier on me."
"I could imagine... are you okay?"
"I'll be okay... I guess we'll just have to figure it out on our own."
"Yeah," Josh says, "So where do we start?"
"First, I'm going to return the books as that's respectful."
"All right."
"And then what?" Alex asks.
"We'll have to look through the books," Josh says. Alex groans. I turn, feeling questions start to build up. Josh laughs then says, "Alex can't read Icelandic."
"Oh, don't worry they'll be in english for you guys because God Devin's books change to the language you're most comfortable with."
"What if I'm comfortable with multiple languages?" Josh asks. I look over. He adds, "I can speak Icelandic, English, and French."
"French?" I ask.
"You know French?"
"Mhm, it's hot," Alex mumbles. I pause. She covers, "what?"
"Okay then."

"What?" she asks.
"The master does not want to speak with you," the owl says, turning into a humanoid with brown feather-like hair and yellow eyes. I recognize him as Merlin. He adds, "So what are you still doing here?"

"We're going to try to find the information ourselves," I retort. He sighs. I ask, "is that a problem, Scribe Merlin?"
"No it is not a problem... but if you do not wish to run into God Telvirik... I would watch out."
I pause, "is he coming?"
"It was something I heard from Ironhide."
"That God Telvirik was coming?"

I nod then add, "Thanks for the information... is the reason that God Devin doesn't want to talk to us was because of God Telvirik?"
"I am uncertain," he replies. He looks over his shoulder then asks, "What are you looking for?"
"Anything on orbs or the special scribe books... It's a long story."

Josh's POV

Merlin looks uncomfy. He nods, "I do not know how much information we could find about that."
Saveron nods, "well mind if we look?"
"No, the library is open to all, and I shall help where I can, I know God Azono asked God Discord to help the true queen," Merlin says. Saveron puts the books down as Merlin turns to me, "I did not hurt you when I grabbed you, right?"
"No, you didn't hurt me," I reply. I ask, "So where do we start?"
He leads us to some of the books. He adds, "maybe here... I know this is where some of the important information is held... if not about the orbs, then at least about things you should know."
"Okay, thank you," Saveron says.
"Of course... I hope they are not fighting again," Merlin says in a sigh. Saveron pauses then sighs. Merlin transforms back into a giant owl before flying up to a high shelf. He pulls out two books and gently hands them to us. As he touches us, he pauses and backs up. He asks, "what are you?"
"WELL," Saveron starts. He adds, "it's a long story."
"Right, right, sorry Envoy Saveron," he says looking down. I pause before he continues, "oh gods, I hear him coming."
"Oh wonderful," Saveron says as he pulls us into the aisle. A giant horse covered in armor charges past us. I think I saw a dwarf on the horse.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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