Chapter 5: Dude!!

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We leave and I sigh.
"I miss him already... I rarely spend time with him anymore."
"You don't have to-"
"No I need to... it's just... Father is always sending me away from home... it makes me lonely."
Jay gives a tiny scoff, "hmph."
"What?" Connak asks.
"nothing... let's just keep moving... I do feel like something is up though so stay on guard."
"Got it."
We go back to moving as I start to hear whispering.
"do you think he's holding them captive?"
"I don't know try making contact."
"Like fighting?"
"NO! That shouldn't be your answer to this! Please stop choosing violence first!"

Wait that was Discord. I spin around on the horse to spot Saveron but he disappears again. I look around for him but don't see him.
"UUUUUUGH not you again!" Jay shouts. I turn and spot him.
"Um??? Who is he?" Connak asks with this very confused face that makes him look so childish and adorable.
"Okay... Connak meet Saveron, Saveron meet Connak," I say gently.

"Oh... nice to meet you. I thought you had them captive I'm glad that wasn't the case!" Saveron says smiling.

"but I should truly introduce myself. I'm Saveron envoy of chaos."
"Yes my master was charged to help the elder true queen's memories return... we met through an awkward encounter."

"Awkward? You tried to kill us!" Jay shouts.

"Hey! Hey! In my defense I didn't know," Saveron shouts throwing his hands up. Connak seems very confused but I don't blame him at all.

"Um?" Connak asks.

"it's a long story we will tell you another day," I say leaning off the horse to talk. I should've gotten three horses but I didn't think about it. I feel so worn out. I then add, "I don't even think I know the full story."
"Anyways... what are you doing here? I mean... it was late for you when we were at Minone."
"I was told to point you in the right direction... which is over there."
"I thought the map would-"
"yeah but Master thought you might try to take the 'shortcut' that is going forwards which is now infested with orcs and dark elves."
"oh, tell him we said thanks."
"will do," he disappears. Okay then. I guess I won't say more. Jay starts the horse's trot as Connak does the other one. I hear another noise then see an orc jump out. Connak gives a bit of a panicked glance to use then grabs his scepter. I jump off and grab my sword. Jay slows down as I knock the orc away and prepare to fight it. Connak looks over then casts a vine spell that nearly grabs me. I panic and jump back just in time.
"it's okay."

Jay looks very much unhappy. I wave at him to try to calm him. I finish off the orc. Connak dismounts and runs over, "I- I- I- I am so, so, so, so, so, soooo sorry!"

"Connak! I'm fine! I wasn't hurt," I say softly before yawning. I look up at the darkening sky. I add, "We need to get a move on... fast."
Connak nods as we run back to the horses and start moving. I see some lights and nod to Jay that's where we'll have to stay. I walk in first.
"sorry, we aren't a tavern," A man says tiredly.
"I'm so sorry!"
"wait that sword!" A woman most likely his wife says. He looks it over. They bow earnestly I realize that they recognize me. She continues, "we can give you our double spare room please let us care for you at least for tonight it's too dark outside to navigate."
"Thank you," I say, "we will pay you back here take some of our food."
They look gobsmacked that I would just give them food but I smile and let them pick. They go mostly for meat which I'm okay with. They cook us a meal as I let Alaina out they bow again then I yawn and get me a plate. They cater around me despite my objections. I sigh and eat before just walking upstairs on my own. Alaina follows me upstairs sighing and yawning.
"I know you aren't used to this yet Prissy but you know they all just want to keep you safe and healthy right?"
"yeah I know..."

Connak's POV

"so do you want me to sleep with Alaina then?"
"Huh?" He asks sleepily. I grab everyone's empty plates as the owners go to help but I stop them.
"Let us help as our payment for caring for us okay?"
"fine," the wife says. Jay picks up the second half of the dishes. We wash them.
"I know you wouldn't-"
"if you dare say sleep with Prissy I will smack you."
"I was saying you wouldn't let me anyways."
"I'm glad you're smart enough to realize that."
"yeah. Anyways... um hey?"
"Hm?" he asks as he scrubs a plate.

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