Chapter Eleven: Love and Hope

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Prissy's POV

We enter Thanac and Halira's house. I sigh softly as I smile. I ask, "So, what happened after y'all made our horse run?"
Saveron smiles awkwardly, "Well I started with air attacks, Connak took out the water clone, and Jay... Jay just jumped on the clone."

I nod awkwardly and add, "That makes sense."
"Ya hungry Princess?" Thanac asks. I pause then nod. He adds, "aww raighty I'll get right on it."

"No! You don't have to worry about it! I can help!"
"Princess! It would be ma honor to host ya and feed ya."
I pause then finally give in, "Fine... fine. I give, I'll let you cook... this time! But don't think I won't pay you back and cook for you at some point!"

He chuckles and says, "All raighty, Princess I'll take ya up on that."
"Yay!" I shout hugging him tightly. He seems at least mildly confused as we hug but doesn't say anything about it. I pause and ask, "what's wrong?"
"Ah, nothing in particular," he replies.
"Okay then."
"Oh dear do not worry about Thanac... he often spends numerous hours in his lectures," Halira says softly patting Thanac's back. I forgot they are married. She adds, "would you like assistance with dinner, Beloved?"
"Nah, I've got it. It's been ages since I've made ya dinner too, Love."
"Oh okay, Beloved."
I watch them hug tightly then look at Jay. He chuckles and pulls me in for a tight hug. I smile but sigh. He asks, "been a long day huh Priss?"
I nod and say, "Yeah, can't wait to take a nap."
He laughs, "you napping? Who are you and what have you done with my Prissy?"
I playfully punch him as he pulls me in for a deep kiss, Connak looks between us and asks, "Is this a normal thing for you two?"
"Yeah, I don't take naps... well more of normally can't because of the light and knowing that the sun is up," I say. Jay nods and smiles before I add, "And we've known each other for a while."
"Since high school, right?" Saveron asks.
"Huh?" I ask.
"Oh! Sorry, that was a guess... you look like high school sweethearts! I shouldn't have assumed, should I?"
"No! No! But you are right... We are high school sweethearts."
"Oh!" Saveron cries. I sigh softly then he asks, "Do you mind if I stay as well?"
"Of course, any friend of the Princess's is a friend of ours," Thanac says.
"Okay, thank you."
"Natta problem."
I sigh and let Thanac and Halira lead me to a chair to sit in.

Helios's POV

I turn to Dorantos with a sigh. He seems wary about everything. I ask, "is everything all right, Dorantos?"
"A lot has happened, dear friend. I just don't know where to begin. I've yet to find anything about Castros... it just felt like a disaster."
"Well, I shall see what I can do to help, okay?"
"Okay... thank you."
"I understand why you're nervous."

Our orbs go off. Maltorn? I look at the message and can't help but smile. He smiles back at me before saying, "We at least know about one thing."
"One thing we can check off the list?"
"Do you wanna go tell them or me?"
"Why not us both?" I ask as I stretch.
"Right, right! Let's go."
We walk back to Tirarnois, Ariel, Alucard, and Vala. I ask, "Did you get the message?"
"What message?" Ariel asks. I smile. She continues, "What message and from who? Is it about the princesses?"
"No... it turns out, Halira and Thanac are alive... from what Maltorn says they seem a bit out of it. He hasn't asked if they remember what happened, but I don't know if that's a good idea personally."
"Personally? I don't either," Dorantos says softly.
"Understandable," Vala says, nodding softly. After a while of silence everyone spreads out. It's still rather awkward. We haven't seen each other in almost six years. I spot Vala. She looks up at me and asks, "Can you see what happened to Dorantos? I mean as far as where he hid?"
"Hid? Hid from what?"
"...after I lost my mind... I don't fully remember what happened... And I've yet to get him to tell me... nor has he said anything about what happened afterwards... and you mentioned trying to find everyone initially... how did you not find him?"
"I–I–well–I–huff–I stopped looking after I saw what happened to Tirarnois... I don't want to talk about that... especially not with him around."

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