Chapter Fourteen: Battle for Dotas

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Jay's POV

Kier's eyes turned black when Prissy did that... There's no time for questions as the enemy is retreating! I throw my sword into the one holding Avex, but she's disintegrated by the magic more of a dragon. I hold my arm up to return my sword. The magic stopped though... Hopefully that was because of cleansing it. I don't know though. I focus on Kier and smile.
Jay: hello I'm assuming Diablos.

I watch Kier shift uncomfortably.
Jay: I was right. Listen... I won't tell if you don't but how the hell do we help Priss?

Diablos: Since you already know the secret, no point in hiding it... however for Prissy... She just needs rest.

Jay: okay... thanks... I'm assuming this magic is from you?

Diablos: Yes... shout of darkness to counter evil magic... she's creative at the least... I'm just glad it was only you that recognized that... Or at least I hope... also how did you recognize me?

Jay: Guessed based off the way your eyes changed colors when she did that. Also, you go by Baran?

Diablos: don't laugh at that. And yes... it means holy darkness to them.

Jay: I'm not laughing because the name is funny, I'm laughing because you let them choose the name and you let them keep Baran.

Diablos: It's not a bad name, Jay.

Jay: All right whatever you say.
He sighs as we break the mind message. I pat Connak on the shoulder. He looks up confused. I say, "I trust you to watch over her for me... If you wanna be extra... Take her back to the Meeting Grounds."
He nods, "I won't go far... Prissy would get pissed if I did that."
I laugh and nod, "plus you need to rest your magic too."
"Ya know I can't take you fully seriously with a dog tail."
"You didn't fully shift back."
I turn and look. He's right. I sigh and make it disappear, "shut up."

"What? I'm just trying to be helpful to the future king!"

I laugh and playfully punch him. I say, "Just watch over her for me. I'll ride with Tirarnois–Dad just in case she wants to rejoin us."

"Right, you head onto the main town, and I'll keep an eye on these two."
He pulls Prissy onto a bed of plants. Just letting her rest before using vines to do the same with Avex. I nod and climb up onto the horse with Dad. We exchange one last nod before separating. As we leave, I mumble, "I hope everything turns out okay."
"As do I."

I sigh and look down. I ask, "do you think... Do you think Priss managed to stop the transformation?"
"I–I don't know Jay," Dad says softly. I nod and lay my head over his shoulder to better watch what was coming. I notice the troops have stopped. Dad moves his head and whispers, "Jay, as the future king... I think it's your turn."
Maltorn nods letting us know he heard us and that he agrees. Maltorn creates a water steed as he lets me take his actual horse. I smile and ride up to the front of the crowd, "hello all, as you saw... Prissy stayed behind."
"Yeah? Are you the stranger going to lead us?"
"Well seeing as I'm marrying her, they suggested I do so."
The dwarf that spoke pauses then laughs, "Well that's one way of letting us know."
I smile and nod. Jasper looks at me and asks, "do you think Avex is okay?"
"Huh? Well, I don't know myself... I hope so," I say, trying to smile and inspire confidence.

"Okay... I didn't even know that he was taken," Jasper says, trying to keep strong.

"How'd you know him?"
"That's my brother."
I pause, "I–I'm sorry, I don't know what to say or how to help... I–I'm sorry."
"It's not your fault."
"Hey, dear, if it's any comfort, Baran's magic was used by the Queen... and we get a lot of our power from Baran," Mahi says softly. She continues, "It could've stopped the spell."
"Right!" I exclaim trying to inspire hope. I add, "I'm sorry, I still barely know anything about magic."
"Oh, it's no trouble, Royaled One, I think your fiancé can more than handle that," Mahi says with a soft smile. She quickly adds, "oh right you probably don't know what that means... it's a title basically saying you're engaged to someone in the royal family."
I nod, "thanks for the explanation, Mahi, I'm still learning a lot of new things."
"I understand... it's a change!"

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