The Final Assault

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Time: 5:15 AM, Final Entry

Thomas got back a few minutes ago, but Jinty and Pug weren't with him. He doesn't know what happened to Jinty, but they were at Kellsthorpe looking around for Trevor when they spotted the remains of Duck and a few coaches off the line, turns out he was beside Stepney's shed and his mutation was worse than before. Anyway, as Thomas was telling his story, I heard Bear interrupt and began talking to Oliver. I was confused at first, but Oliver was crying at the realization that his friend was dead. We spent a few minutes calming him down, and when he went silent Thomas carried on with his story. 

They were about to set off when Douglas charged out of Stepney's shed and right towards them. According to Thomas, Douglas's missing flesh was replaced by a row of teeth and tendrils protruding out of his smokebox and face, the soldiers quickly opened fire, which caused Douglas to stumble and lose balance. Pug charged at the creature with a flatbed to at least buy everyone some time. It was hectic, rolling stock was being tossed at them like ragdolls, they were mostly unharmed until Pug was hit by a truck and derailed. Jinty tried to protect his friend, but Douglas swooped down and began to stab and rip parts off Pug and eat parts of them. Jinty reversed down the Kirk Ronan Branchline. Thomas quickly puffed away toward Cronk; he was searching around until he saw Trevor on his side and slammed partly into a building. Trevor was long gone by the time he was found, after that Thomas just returned here.  We will set off soon, Edward and Oliver are still distraught, Boco and Bear have been trying to comfort the two. Percy is worried that something will go wrong since they can survive explosions from grenades and several gunshot wounds. Then how would we beat them? I just put my hand on his buffer and talked to him for a while. 

The plan is similar to what it was before, but Topham has been giving us Prep talks and helping motivate us to win this fight and put the infected engines and the dead to peace.  After 20 minutes of preparing, we set off and everything was barren while heading down, it was mainly the odd dead animal or person, but it was mainly just rotting trees. After some time, we neared the old suspension bridge but then we heard a whistle echo around the area, and we stopped. The soldiers and workmen got out of the coach and began to look around and then we saw James staring down at us on top of a hill. Sir Topham ordered the men to open fire and for us to prepare, just then Douglas flew in from behind us which caught us off guard. That thing rammed into Wilbert and knocked him off the line, James then launched himself toward us and slammed into the side of Boco. The men opened fire at the two creatures, which sent everyone into a frenzy, Diesel and Toby dragged the narrow-gauge engines out of the way, and I reversed Percy back with them. So, the fights that were happening were Gordon, Bear, and Oliver fighting James. Edward was trying to help Boco, but Douglas was after him. Edward put up a small fight, with Thomas trying to help, sadly the two's combined efforts were in vain. Douglas managed to kill Boco before anyone could help him, Wilbert was knocked off the cliff when he was derailed. HOW THE HELL CAN WE BEAT THESE THINGS?! We damn near lost 2 of our group members already. Without any warning I hear Percy yell out to Edward not to do it, I looked out the cab window and Edward was cursing at Douglas and trying to ram him off the rails. Thomas was trying everything he could to hold Douglas back with a rope. This couldn't stop him as Douglas cut the rope with a tendril and launched at Edward, at first, I thought he was done for, but then I heard 2 whistles and saw Emily and Jinty charging into the battle with flatbeds. The duo slammed into Douglas sending him careening off the cliff edge and was ended by a loud explosion, they looked bruised and weary but thankfully they saved us. Gordon, Bear, Oliver, Emily, and Edward were now fighting James, thankfully James got caught on a truck that was derailed and with a huge ram, he was split in half and killed. Everyone cheered in glee as the beasts were now dead. Finally, after all the bloodshed on this railway and the poor souls lost in these past days. 

We soon made it to the mainland and were greeted by Barry and Spencer, engines who had visited a few times, he was accompanied by men in hazmat suits. They told us we had to go under quarantine until deemed safe or contaminated. 

That was years ago though, I had forgotten about the events that tore engines, families, and lives apart. I now work with Percy, on the Bluebell Railway, along with Thomas and Edward. A memorial was held on the 3rd anniversary of the event. The engines were shown around and were asked questions about it, I was chosen to tell my story, and well you're all caught up now, 3 years after the events of the Killdane Blast. This is Craig Murray signing out. Goodbye.

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